Reference no: EM131910923
Marris (1996) argued that multitasking is a social construct used by the powerful on the less powerful to shield them from uncertainty. How much truth is evident in this perspective and in what ways is this apparent in modern business? If not, is it possible to reduce expected multitasking in projects and if so, how?
Marris, P. (1996). The politics of uncertainty: Attachment in private and public life by Peter Marris.
Post must be threeshort paragraphs
• Think of the assignment in terms of a concise writing exercise. Relate the post to the course materials.
• Try to keep your posts to 150-200 words. Texts longer than 150-200 words are harder to follow on screen.
• Better-formulated, grammatically correct, clear posts attract more attention (from both instructor and colleagues).
• Before you post, think about the assignment first and jot down notes as you read.
• Develop your initial post in a word processing program where you can edit; then post. This gives you the added advantage of leaving you with a record of your observations. The saved word processing format is always available to you to refer back to after the course is completed.
• Cite and/or provide links to help readers associate and/or find the source you are paraphrasing or quoting.
• Title your post with a descriptive and/or interesting topic to flag attention and to solicit response from others.
• After you have posted, check back to see if anybody has responded to you and keep the dialog going.
Why is quality so important to an organization
: Define quality in your own words. Considering your definition and the materials you reviewed this module, why is quality so important to an organization?
Define majoritarian electoral democracy
: Read the article about Political Theories and Parties then discuss the following: Define Majoritarian Electoral Democracy and Economic-Elite Domination.
Prepare a basic strategic management plan for ppq parts
: Prepare a basic strategic management plan for PPQ Parts including quantifiable goals and measures. Include short-term and long-term strategic goals.
Discussion of export estimates
: Discussion of Export Estimates - Provided a meaningful discussion of the accuracy of estimates and possibly causes of errors, if any
In what ways is this apparent in modern business
: In what ways is this apparent in modern business? If not, is it possible to reduce expected multitasking in projects and if so, how?
What can you legally do about this situation
: However, the posts were believed by consumers and your profits dropped by 7% as a result. What, if anything, can you legally do about this situation
What conflict resolution advice would you give to the person
: In a 2 page paper, based on the subjects covered throughout the quarter, what conflict resolution advice would you give to the person who will be replacing you?
Compare the Betas generate from Blume technique
: BST 260 Asset Pricing Coursework Assignment - Compare the Betas generate from Blume's technique (part 6.) with those obtained from the single-index model
What mass of nitrogen in no
: Assume that coal can be represented by the chemical formula C135H96O9NS. If 1.0 tons of coal is burned, what mass of nitrogen in NO is produced?