Reference no: EM132187247
Paper : Novel, Monograph Movie
8-10 Page paper
History of American Technology
First - Choose a novel (A FICTIONAL WORK), and a movie (THE PLOT MUST BE FICTIONAL) relating to the same technology - like computers, the internet, nano-technology, use of technology in industry, the atomic bomb etc. (see posted lists of suggested topics and some possible sources)
Second - Read and view each of the works
Third write 3-page reviews of each of these works - the specifications for movie and book reviews are on the attached pages. Each review should be separate from one another - total pages for this segment is 6 pages.
Fourth, select a journal article on the history of the technology as a case study - the work should explain enough about the technology that you will know what you need to know in order to compare the real technology to the two fictional examples. You should find the article by going on JSTOR through the library's database the article should be no less than 20 pages in length - 2- or 3-page sources are totally unacceptable as well as brief popular readings. Write a summary of the article's content no more than a page long.
Fifth, have selected the three sources by November 5, 2018) and provide full bibliographic information for each of the three works plus a statement of the technology represented in all three sources word processed and hard copy brought to class that day to hand in to the Professor that day.
No extensions - and if it is not turned in on time you lose 10 points off the grade and your sources will not be approved)
Your three choices must not duplicate the choices of anyone else in the class hence I will be setting up a spread sheet of the citations and some of you will have to select different sources after I have identified the repeats.
Sixth, compare the works in an essay using the following questions as a guide. Your essay should not be limited by these questions but build on them.
Use the article you have summarized as a check of characteristics of the real technology to be compared to the fictional representations of it.
1. Does the technology play a major or minor role in the studies?
2. How well does the author of the screenplay or book relate the technology to American culture?
3. In what ways is the fictional approach inaccurate?
4. How must the technology be inaccurate to allow the story line to proceed?
5. Look up information about the novelist or screenwriter and his writing to get a feel for what he/she considers when writing such a story.
This section should be 3pages long.