In what ways do the olympic games demonstrate

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Reference no: EM133503662

Discussion Post: Olympic Games Demonstrating the American Culture

For your discussion, we will explore the example of the 1992 Dream Team.

There are many ways in which American Culture has been thrust onto the world-stage; the 1990s was a moment when our culture was shifting in many important ways. As just one example, let me point out that the Los Angeles Riots had just taken place prior to these particular Olympic Games. So, let's think of this in that context:

Was there a "reality" unfolding at home while our basketball gurus were "schooling" the world on the game?

After watching THIS short documentary from NBA-TV on the 1992 Dream Team, let's consider the Olympics more broadly.

In what ways do these Olympic Games (or this team, specifically) demonstrate that the "American Culture" has impacted the world?

There are various scenarios in Davies and Zirin where you'll be able to build on some of their major connections as well--feel free to explore (and, of course, cite) their ideas to help build up your analysis.

Reference no: EM133503662

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