Reference no: EM132251112
4-5 pages in length
The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format.
All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format.
Instructions: Review the literature and locate an article or study addressing changes within a Criminal Justice Organization that deals with changes to their operations as a result of the terrorist attacks of 9/11
Provide a short synopsis of the article or study highlighting the main point(s).
Your article should include enough information for you to address the following items.
1. In what ways did the department change?
2. In what ways was this change resisted by employees?
3. When resistance was recognized, how did the department address the issue?
4. How did the leadership overcome any lack of motivation?
After answering the questions above, use information learned to evaluate the organization leader's actions. The main areas of consideration are Motivation, Change, and Power.
Using information from the text and three outside resources provide your personal insight on why the change was or was not successful. Things to consider include, but are not limited to:
1. What type of change occurred and why?
2. What type of leader brought about the change?
3. What motivated employees to change?
4. Where does power come from, and how was it used in this article/study?
Use at least three credible peer-reviewed sources beyond the text material
Text must be used + 3 other sources
Title: Organizational Behavior
Edition: 18th (2018)
Author: Robbins, Stephen and Judge, Timothy