In what way did risk register facilitate your organization

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131160255

Risk Register

Assume that you and your friends are planning a farewell party for your boss. Identify ten key risks and create a risk register. View the risk register format. Keep in mind that this is your risk register and you can tailor it to accommodate your project. If some information is not needed, you may delete the column.

Create the risk register and answer the following questions:

1. In what way did the risk register facilitate your identification and organization of risks?

2. How did you decide which information or columns to include and which information or columns to exclude from your risk register?

3. If you did not have a risk register for your project, how would that affect tracking the risks? Would you possibly not track risks that could become problems without a formal risk management process?

4. How will you manage the risks you identified using the risk register?

Submit your risk register along with your answers.

Submission Requirements:

• Save your responses to the questions in a minimum of two pages in a Microsoft Word document and submit the document, along with an Excel file containing your risk register to your instructor as an attachment through the Questa Learning Plan.

• Include APA formatting for references.

Attachment:- risk_register.xlsx

Reference no: EM131160255

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