Reference no: EM133094014
Locate two education-related presentations that interest you. In the presentations you select, you must be able to both hear and see the speaker. You may locate your presentations in the NCU Library or other sources of your choice.
After watching the two presentations, respond to the following questions for each speaker:
What was effective about this speaker's style? What did this speaker do well that you would also like to do in your own public speaking?
In what area was the speaker the weakest? What is something you made note of to avoid in your own public speaking while watching these presentations?
Critique the speaker's body language, use of hand gestures or movement, audience eye contact, nervous twitches, posture, filler words, etc. What was effective? What was not effective?
Which of these two presenters was the better public speaker from your point of view? What makes you say so, based on what you know from this week about best practices in public speaking?
Development of own code of ethics
: Reflect on and explain how these policies relate to the development of your own code of ethics associated with the education profession.
High scope-influenced program
: What do children do in a Montessori center? Is this play? Is it similar to the play that occurs in a High Scope-influenced program?
Four-year-old child with mild cerebral palsy
: You are an inclusion specialist supporting a preschool classroom that includes My, a four-year-old child with mild cerebral palsy.
Institute for out-of-control children
: Professionals at the ‘Institute for Out-of-Control Children' are deciding on a program aimed at improving their students' behavioral and emotional regulation.
In what area was speaker the weakest
: In what area was the speaker the weakest? What is something you made note of to avoid in your own public speaking while watching these presentations?
United states government and political processes
: You the opportunity to explore topics that interest you and relate to United States government and the political processes we are discussing.
To treat or not to treat
: I would like to hear your feelings on the choice to treat with chemotherapeutic drugs versus holistic treatments, or to forgo treatment at all.
Children learn social skills through dramatic play
: Children learn social skills through dramatic play. Discuss how these studies indicated a need for your research.
Family inclusion
: Describe how your current (or future program) includes all families, especially those who may include a child with exceptional needs.