In western culture would we eat our pets

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Reference no: EM13524524

My example of how a society is different on the surface but not morally different is why the people of India do not eat cows. In India a cow is considered a pet. In Western culture would we eat our pets? No, we become emotionally attached with our pets. A pet is a family member; this is the same truth for the people of India. Finally, the cow’s usefulness for agriculture economy. In the west, the agriculture depended on horses till last century; hence horse meat is not part of western diet. Similarly, agriculture in India from ancient times to even now largely uses oxen for farming. So you don't destroy the 'work horse' of agricultural economy. Cows, oxen thus have been crucial for Indian agriculture. Even though, we as societies may think that a cow is just a source of food, morally other cultures thin of a cow no differently as we think of a cat or dog.

Reference no: EM13524524

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