In three sentences describe games you play on your computer

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13233832

In three sentences describe some of the games you play on your computer. Explain when and why you play the games. (2) If you do not play games, describe the other things you do on your computer. Explain when and why you do these things. Your answer you be in complete sentences, using proper grammar, and free from spelling errors.

Reference no: EM13233832

Questions Cloud

How could two companies with similar gross profit figures : How could two companies with similar gross profit figures end up with dramatically different net operating income.
Compute the ksp at the temperature : The solubility of magnesium phosphate at a given temperature is 0.936 g/100 mL. Calculate the Ksp at this temperature.
Discuss the long run implication of monopolistic competition : Discuss the long run implications of monopolistic competition with respect to (a) utilization of plant, (b) allocation of resources, and (c) advertising and product differentiation. Compare this to the situation of perfect competition.
Derive an equation for x in terms of q, l, m, g, and k : Two small spheres of equal mass m are suspended from strings of length L. When the two spheres are each given an equal charge q they separate by a distance x, swinging out an angle theta from the vertical
In three sentences describe games you play on your computer : In three sentences describe some of the games you play on your computer. Explain when and why you play the games. (2) If you do not play games, describe the other things you do on your computer
Create a market entry strategy along with a staffing plan : Determine how, if possible, international trade-related organizations can assist this expansion effort in the country of choice. If international trade-related organizations will not be helpful, justify this situation.
Church wealth have on the condition of the church : What were some of the signs of disorder within the early 16th century church? What impact did the church wealth have on the condition of the church?
State the chemical equation for the equilibrium : Write the chemical equation for the equilibrium that corresponds to Ka. By using the value of Ka, calculate ?G° for the dissociation of cyanic acid in aqueous solution
Discuss economic effects of the change in market structure : The supply is simply the sum of the marginal cost curves of all the firms in the industry. Suppose that all the competitive firms collude to form one single monopoly firm. (Collusion changes neith the demand nor the cost conditions in the industry..


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