In this scenario is the doctors opinion biased

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Reference no: EM131440388

Researchers that complete studies with misrepresented data will have biased results. Researchers must really scrutinize the source of information. The best scenario is data that is retrieved, recorded, and analyzed but the researcher, but biased views are still a possibility. I often wonder about biased opinions by doctors especially when diagnosis is in order.

I see this in my opinion when record from one doctor suggest a certain diagnosis. The newly gained doctor does not state the patient is not diagnosed correctly its subtle statements like it's my opinion... or chance are the patient has... in most cases the patient have not been asked at all. In this scenario is the doctor's opinion biased?

Dr. Louis makes a great point about biased opinions about opinionated reviews on energy drinks. Researchers I am sure had an influence in the view points of the drink. Additionally, the adverse reporting contributing to health-related issues also was revealed. In the end the only true unbiased statement as Dr. Louis mentioned is do you like the drink?

Reference no: EM131440388

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