In this project you need to write a java program called

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13371318

In this project you need to write a java program called "" to perform matrix multiplication. Your code will read in two input files named"matrixA.txt" and "matrixB.txt", and then create a file named"matrixAnswer.txt" and output the result to the file.

Input and Output:

Your code will need to be able to read in these files, place the contents of each file into separate two-dimensional arrays and then perform the needed multiplication and place the output of the multiplication into a third two-dimensional array then write the array out into a file.

Please check the sample input files"matrixA.txt" and "matrixB.txt".

1. matrixA.txt is the file that contains the first matrix A. It has x rows and y columns. The numbers in each row are separated by one blank space.

2. matrixB.txt is the file that contains the second matrix B. It has y rows and z columns. The numbers in each row are separated by one blank space.

Please check the sample output file "matrixAnswer.txt".

1. matrixAnswer.txt is the matrix by multiplying matrix A and matrix B. Your program should create the file and output the result to the file. It has x rows and z columns. The numbers in each row are separated by one blank space.

Sample input files are provided but you can't presume the size of the input matrices. You will also need to check if it is legal to multiply both of these matrices together. If it is not legal, you need to inform the user that you are unable to perform the multiplication. As long as the two input matrices have the legal sizes to do multiplication then your program should generate the right product of the two matrices.


You need to submit a java file "" to blackboard. The program will be tested using command line. The files "", "matrixA.txt", and "matrixB.txt" will be placed inthe same directory. Your program needs to output the file "matrixAnswer.txt" to the same directory. So be certain that your program compiles and runs correctly before you submit it!

Reference no: EM13371318

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