Reference no: EM13815864
1. In Mesopotamia, the Great Mother is called _______.
a. Ashtoret
b. Tammuz
c. Sin
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
2. Which of the following is in the monotheistic story of the flood?
a. Noah
b. Utnapishtim
c. Cain and Abel
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
3. Which is the correct order of the first three Hebrew patriarchs?
a. Abraham, Jacob, Isaac
b. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
c. Isaac, Jacob, Abraham
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
4. Which of the following Hebrews rose to power in Egypt?
a. Abraham
b. Jacob
c. Isaac
d. Aaron
e. Joseph
5. Which of the following Hebrews rose to power in Egypt but had to flee when he killed an Egyptian?
a. Saul
b. David
c. Aaron
d. Moses
e. JacobUnit 3
Examination 95 GED 250 World Religions
6. God spoke to which of the following Hebrews through a burning bush?
a. Saul
b. David
c. Aaron
d. Moses
e. Jacob
7. The Exodus from Egypt is celebrated in which Jewish festival?
a. Shavuot
b. Passover
c. Sukkot
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
8. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God at _______.
a. The Red Sea
b. Midian
c. Mt. Sinai
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
9. The first Hebrew King is _______.
a. Saul
b. Solomon
c. David
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
10. Which people allowed the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple?
a. Babylon
b. Egypt
c. Persia
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Unit 3 Examination 96 GED 250 World Religions
11. Agricultural communes in Israel are called _______.
a. Synagogues
b. Kibbutzim
c. Zionism
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
12. The ceremony when a Jewish boy reads from the Hebrew scriptures and becomes a man is called _______.
a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah
e. Bat (Bas) Mitzvah
13. The ceremony when a Jewish girl reads from the Hebrew scriptures and becomes a woman is called _______.
a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah
e. Bat (Bas) Mitzvah
14. The rules regarding menstruation are called _______.
a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah
e. Bat (Bas) Mitzvah
Unit 3 Examination 97 GED 250 World Religions
15. A Jewish woman who is not free to remarry because her husband refuses to provide the get is called _______.
a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah
e. Bat (Bas) Mitzvah
16. Which of the following could be said about Jesus of Nazareth?
a. Preached that the Kingdom of God was at hand
b. Performed miracles and healings
c. Taught in parables
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
17. The disciple who would not believe in the resurrection of Jesus until he put his hands in the wounds is _______.
a. Pontius Pilate
b. Judas
c. Thomas
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
18. Which of the following Roman fought the Battle of the Milvian Bridge after seeing a vision of a cross in the sky and the letters, IHS?
a. Constantine
b. Maximin Daza
c. Licinius
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Unit 3 Examination 98 GED 250 World Religions
19. Which of the following councils reaffirmed the Nicene Creed?
a. Constantinople
b. Ephesus
c. Chalcedon
d. Nicaea
e. None of the above
20. Who is the major figure of scholasticism?
a. Averroes
b. Dante Alighieri
c. Francis of Assisi
d. Thomas Aquinas
e. None of the above
21. Which of the following developed the doctrines of sola fides and sola scriptura?
a. John Hus
b. Martin Luther
c. John Calvin
d. John Wycliffe
e. Michael Servetus
22. Who wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion?
a. John Hus
b. Martin Luther
c. John Calvin
d. John Wycliffe
e. Michael Servetus
Unit 3 Examination 99 GED 250 World Religions
23. Papal Infallibility was defined at which council?
a. Nicaea
b. Chalcedon
c. First Vatican Council
d. Second Vatican Council
e. Council of Trent
24. The central theme of Protestantism is _______.
a. salvation by God's grace through faith
b. salvation by God's grace through works
c. worship centered in the seven sacraments
d. sufficiency of scripture alone
e. believer's baptism
25. Who is an Englishwoman who was married with no fewer than 14 children, began to live a celibate life, went on pilgrimages and underwent intensely emotional experiences?
a. Hildegaard of Bingen
b. St. Clare
c. Margery Kempe
d. Dame Julian of Norwich
e. Teresa of Avila