Reference no: EM132750741
Design and implement a database system.
Due to the COVID-19 situation this assignment will be an individual one.
You are required to design and implement a database system for an application area of your choice. For example, it could be a booking type application or an order processing type system (although other suggestions are welcome!). Examples include a system to book tickets for a theatre, a flight or a system to allow customers to hire or buy books, tools, cars or other. We want you to propose a scenario drawn from your own experience. The scenario and the produced database system will be judged by the tutors using the marking schema in the later section of this document. The underlying database should be a relational one (e.g., MySQL). We expect you to provide 2-3 example SQL statements, for instance a meaningful query to your database. Alternatively, instead of the relational database you might choose one of the alternative database systems (e.g., NoSQL, RDF or Big Data platform) and along with that a corresponding query language. If you choose an alternative system instead of an RDBMS/SQL, please justify your reasons to do so.
The design and implementation of your database should be documented in a report, following and clearly demonstrating the design, development and implementation of the artefact on the basis of your chosen scenario. The number of words in the report should be in the range of 1200 words.
Is there a size limit?
The report has to be limited between 8 pages to 12 pages or 1200 words including graphs, pictures and references.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Reasonable analysis discussion on problems and system requirements, advantages of the scenarios and solution.
Providing a UML use case diagram and ERM diagram, activity diagram
A decent database design
Database implementation (relations/tables and queries, e.g. SQL - SQL statements to create tables and query your database)
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
In-depth analysis and a well-structured database design based on the analysis
Correct UML use case diagrams and ERM diagram
The database structure is correctly designed (normalised in case of relational model) and its selection well justified
Database implementation (relations/tables and queries, e.g. SQL)
Keep things in your mind?
1) First you have to generate one specific generic scenario please don't use easily available scenarios like library, hospital or hotel booking database management system. Try to find something new.
2) Then do proper analysis discussion on problems and system requirements, advantages of the system you're proposing and your solutions
3)Then provide UML use case diagram and providing some description how things working in the diagram. Syntaxes of the diagram should be correct and reflect the analysis you provided above.
4)Then ERM diagram should reflect the scenario requirements. Correctly explained.
5) Activity diagram of scenario.
6) Database system has been selected with good reason and fully implemented and designed normalized (1NF, 2NF and 3NF) in case of relational database. Correctly explained
7) Database implementation (relations/tables and queries e. g SQL) with some database queries with their outputs.
Better if you use Mysql.
Attachment:- Design and implement a database system.rar