In countering criticism that marketing capitalizes

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Reference no: EM132210297

1. In countering the criticism that marketing capitalizes on human weaknesses, marketers would state that

marketing is only responding to human needs, wants, and desires

they have to advertise because their competitors advertise

people have the freedom to make decisions and marketing never forces anyone to choose a product

marketing is only providing information, so consumers can make an intelligent decision

2. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is responsible for ensuring that food is safely processed and packaged.



3. When complaints about advertising are received by the National Advertising Division (NAD) or the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the BBB, the respective agency will

investigate the complaint, then turn it over to the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) for a decision

collect information and evaluate data concerning the case to determine if the complaint is legitimate

examine the case for substantiation and issue a cease-and-desist order if a violation is found

appoint three judges to evaluate the case

4. The danger to a company in appealing an FTC case to the Court of Appeals is that

the Court has power to issue cease-and-desist orders

it is harder to convince the Court that a violation has not occurred

the Court has power to provide consumer redress, i.e. to levy civil penalties

the Court can require corrective advertising

5. In evaluating claims made in advertisements and marketing communications, one of the principles the FTC uses in the evaluation is substantiation, which means the firm must be able to prove or backup any claim with independent, scientific evidence.



6. A trade regulation ruling is a ruling made by the Food and Drug Administration concerning a marketing practice and applies to all of the firms within the industry.



7. The federal agency that oversees the manufacture, sale, and distribution of tobacco and alcohol is the

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF)

U.S. Post Service (USPS)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

8. A cease and desist order is issued by an administrative law judge and requires a company to

refrain from any similar practices in the future

immediately stop the disputed practice and to refrain from any similar practices in the future

immediately stop the disputed practice and to run corrective advertisements

immediately stop the disputed practice

9. While marketing has at times been conducted in unfair and unethical ways, if conducted ethically, marketing can be a powerful force in the success of organizations and provide consumers the opportunity to become more enlightened about product purchases.



10. The two overriding principles behind a number of pieces of legislation designed to regulate marketing and business activities is 1) to ensure free trade and open competition among firms and 2) to ensure firms do not mislead consumers with false and misleading marketing activities.



11. Teenagers are an attractive target market to companies because they make up a large demographic group and it is possible for marketers to create brand loyalty at a young age.



12. Lynne is the marketing director for a national toy company. When faced with an ethically questionable issue, her decision will be influenced by all of the following factors except

social influences

personal background and experiences

consequences of previous actions she took in similar ethically questionable situations

individual consumers who purchase the toys

13. _____ is(are) personal beliefs or standards to guide an individual’s actions.





14. When marketers face the criticism that marketing overemphasizes materialism, a common defense is that

materialism is only a problem in free-world countries

materialism is caused by easy access to credit cards

marketing is just responding to the materialistic desires of society

materialism is a product of a society’s culture, not of marketing

15. Advertisements that offer male consumers products that will enhance their personal appearance and sexual performance are subject to the criticism that marketing

causes people to buy more than they can afford

shapes inappropriate cultural values

capitalizes on human weaknesses

increases the prices of goods and services

16. The federal agency that is responsible for ensuring free trade among businesses and which investigates false, deceptive, and misleading claims in advertising and other marketing material is the

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

17. Sandra believes that one reason she owes over $12,000 on her credit cards is all of the advertising she sees on television for various products. This is an example of the ethical concern that marketing

increases the prices of goods and services

capitalizes on human weaknesses

causes people to buy more than they can afford

shapes inappropriate cultural values

18. In an investigation of misleading or deceptive advertising, if the FTC feels a violation has occurred, the first step in resolving the issue will be to issue a consent order.



19. The federal agency that regulates and oversees the manufacturing, distribution, and labeling of food and drugs is the

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

U.S. Post Service (USPS)

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

20. The legislation that prohibits charging different prices to different buyers of the same merchandise and requires sellers that offer a service to one buyer to make the same offer of service available to all buyers is the

Clayton Act

Federal Trade Commission Act

Robinson-Patman Act

Lanham Act

21. In bait and switch legal cases, the most difficult test of a bait and switch tactic to prove is that

the retailer intentionally did not stock enough of a sale item with the intent of running out, thus causing customers to switch to a higher-priced model

the advertisement used deceptive and misleading information

salespeople used undue pressure to influence customers to purchase a higher-priced model

the salespeople made false claims about the advertised model

22. According to the FTC, an advertisement or marketing communication is deemed to be deceptive or misleading when a substantial number of people or the “typical person” is left with a false impression or misrepresentation of the product and/or the misrepresentation induces people or the typical person to make a purchase.



23. Advertisers spend more than _____ a year on marketing products to children ages 4 to 12.

$5 billion

$15 billion

$9 billion

$25 billion

24. Advertisements that focus on a person’s physical appearance, such as a person’s weight, are an example of which ethical issue that has been raised about marketing?

marketing capitalizes on human weaknesses

marketing causes people to buy more than they can afford

marketing shapes inappropriate cultural values

marketing overemphasizes materialism

25. Personal beliefs used as standards in guiding an individual’s actions are also known as values.



26. Underlying the criticism that marketing overemphasizes materialism is the assumption that

people cannot control their spending

materialism is wrong

bankruptcy is easy to obtain

credit cards and debt is bad for society

27. When faced with the criticism that marketing violates a consumer’s right to privacy, marketers’ typical response is that

collecting information about consumers is legal

they are not interested in a single individual but groups of people who have similar interests and characteristics

consumers have already given the information out, they are just collecting what has already been given by the consumer

they are protected by the first amendment to the constitution

28. Companies not satisfied with the ruling of the full FTC Commission can appeal the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals and even to the U.S. Supreme Court.



Reference no: EM132210297

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