In an inclusive environment - discrimination

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1341716

Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Discrimination

We will be looking at the following major employment discrimination laws: the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act. We also will look at the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, Vocational Rehabilitation Act and Executive Order 11246.

Take some time to review each of these laws.In order for you to answer the following questions, you will need to have an understanding of the purpose, coverage, and requirements of each. After you have reviewed the website and other sources providing you an overview of these major laws, please answer the following:

For each law/executive order, provide a list of specific questions that an organization should include in a routine self-audit to ensure that the organization has discrimination-free policies and procedures.

What types of data should organizations gather and analyze to ensure compliance with each of the above laws?

What HRM actions (programs, systems, procedures, activities) are necessary to ensure that unlawful harassment specific to age, sex, pregnancy, religion, disability, race, color, genetics and national origin does not take place?

Discuss the degree to which your SLP organization is committed to and successfully practices non-discrimination. How is this organization's practices toward discrimination-law compliance different that its practices toward nurturing and promoting diversity?

Reference no: EM1341716

Questions Cloud

Explain organizational culture and communication : Explain each concept and provide an analysis of each concept within your own organization or an organization with which you are familiar
Explain diversity training requirements at abc corporation : How coworkers from both countries should carry themselves in each other's cultures and What can the workers do to ensure they are respectful of the dominant culture when in another country?
Efforts and valuing diversity in workplace : In what ways are anti-discrimination efforts and valuing diversity in the workplace related, and not related
Dealing with diversity laws : Dealing with Diversity Laws - Explain What are some fail-safe methods to ensure you comply with diversity laws?
In an inclusive environment - discrimination : Show the degree to which your SLP organization is committed to and successfully practices non-discrimination
Explain what are some important domestic demographic changes : Show Demographic changes in Human Resource Management - Explain what are some important domestic demographic changes currently affecting HRM
What value does a diverse workforce offer individual workers : What value does a diverse workforce offer individual workers and What organizational policies and procedures need to be in place to create and support a diverse workforce
Find the stereotypes : Show at least three of the following and provide stereotypes that are associated with the race or national origin of your choice
Question related to managing diversity : Explain what skills are needed to use this strategy effectively and Describe how this strategy will help your organization accomplish its goals


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