Reference no: EM1359454
New Products, Customers, and Markets
The home page of this module identifies several measures of the learning perspective, such as:
- Real time availability of accurate customer and internal process information to front line employees
- Ability to launch new products
- Ability to create more value for customers
- Ability to penetrate new markets
- Alignment of employee incentives with overall organization success factors
- Rate of improvement in critical customer-based and internal processes
Find one specific example of a measure of learning and growth measure that you feel could be critical to an organization, but difficult to measure.
can you provide some or any feedback on the above information and can you also provide and refe plesae?
What was the rays angle of incidence on the diamond
: What was the ray's angle of incidence on the diamond. What should be the magnitude of , so that the net work done by it and the kinetic frictional force is zero.
Defined benefit and defined contribution pension
: Show the relative advantages and disadvantages of defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes from both the employee and employer perspectives.
Affect of addiction and dependence
: Define drug abuse, addiction and dependence. What character traits are most associated with these terms? What role does our cultural and societal structures play in perpetuating drug abuse?
Explain when measuring moral dilemmas
: Explain When measuring moral dilemmas Kohlberg suggests the use of hypothetical dilemmas and However Straughan disagrees and states that hypothetical dilemmas
Improvement in critical customer-based processes
: Alignment of employee incentives with overall organization success factors and rate of improvement in critical customer-based and internal processes
Program to read employee information into array of objects
: Consider a program that will read employee information into an array of objects, sort the array by employee identification number, write out the sorted array.
How far will it coast before starting to roll back down
: How far will it coast before starting to roll back down. In addition, snow exerts a retarding force on the sled that points opposite to the direction of motion, and has a magnitude of 57 N. Find the acceleration of the sled and child.
Calculate the needed additional money
: Marie requires $26,000 as a down payment for a house four years from now. She earns 5.25 percent on her savings. Marie can either deposit one lump sum to day for this purpose or she can wait a year and deposit a lump sum.
Prostitution and drug charges
: Lila D. has just successfully completed her year in the drug court program. She is 28 years old and had been arrested for prostitution and drug charges.