Improve your personal skills while undertaking research

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Reference no: EM133197572 , Length: word count:4000

Task 1 - Formulate a Research Proposal
In this section of the portfolio you should:

• Consider and identify a valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area
• Explain the aim, scope and objectives for a chosen area of research
• Formulate a specific research proposal
• Establish success criteria for the achievement of the research proposal
• Prepare a project plan that identifies key milestones and critical pathways.

Task 2 Carry out the research using different research methodologies

In this section of the portfolio you need to:
• Complete a review of different literature sources identifying those which are most appropriate for your chosen area of research
• Use different research methodologies to gather data from primary and secondary sources. The data must be sufficient in order to ensure you can make valid conclusions

Task 3 - Presentation of Research Findings

In this section of the portfolio you must prepare a report that presents all of your research findings. This must be presented in an appropriate format for the target audience.

In the report, you must:

• Provide a comprehensive explanation of the purpose, methodologies, findings and recommendations.
• Reference all sources using a recognised system.
• Use the information you have collected to justify conclusions and recommendations.

Task 4 - Reflective Log

On completion of your research project, you are to prepare a reflective log which contains an evaluation of the skills you used while undertaking the research.

The reflective log must include:

• A review of your own skills using personal reflection and feedback.
• Recommendations on ways to improve your personal skills while undertaking research.

Attachment:- Research for Strategic Development.rar

Reference no: EM133197572

Questions Cloud

Examples of perfectly competitive markets in the real world : We've observed that there are few examples of perfectly competitive markets in the real world. West Los Angeles College.
Do plants absorb sunlight in all regions of visible spectrum : Do plants absorb sunlight in all regions of the visible spectrum equally? If not, what are the two predominant colors absorbed by chlorophyll?
Why uncertainty is really important in international trade : Why uncertainty is really important in international trade? Culture: why important in business world?
Explain the reasons that the species is endangered : Explain the reasons that the species is endangered. Explore what conservation work is being done to restore the species.
Improve your personal skills while undertaking research : Research for Strategic Development - Explain the aim, scope and objectives for a chosen area of research - Formulate a specific research proposal
Exemplify division in americas thoughts on national land : These controversial decisions exemplify the division in Americas' thoughts on National land use. What do you think? Be sure to answer in paragraph form.
What is gain from trade : What is gain from trade? and grain from trade and they physiocrats.
Explain rationale-benefit of inspection & code enforcement : Explain the rationale and benefit of inspection and code enforcement policies and general fire safety provisions as methods of fire protection.
Biblical worldview integration throughout : Read the threads posted by your classmates and reply to a thread that presented a different conclusion than your thread. Note that comments


Write a Review

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