Improve the structural design - haunted house game

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13164841


For task 1: List the things you changed and the purpose of changing it. Good reasons include making code easier to read and easier to navigate when modifying it.

For task 2: List the errors you found and how you fixed it.

In this document include your name

Author: (Your name)

Task 1 (under Very Low Difficulty)

1. (A possible example)For readability, all variable names were changed to start with a lowercase letter (e.g. VerbList was changed to verbList) and all function names were changed to start with a uppercase letters

2. Other things you did
Task 2 (under Very Low Difficulty)

1. There was a bug in the following function.


There is no such variable as VerbsArray, to print out the list of verbs available, it was changed to display the list 'VerbList'


2. Other bugs you found


You are tasked with improving the code for the Haunted House game. Please read the associated hand-out and the code provided on Moodle. Although the implementation of your code is your own work, the ideas for which to implement and improve the code are free for public discussion. You are free to use code from the Internet or other sources but please cite the sources in the relevant program code. You will be given debate time and implementation time in class where we can collaborate on ideas and improve our understanding of coding in order to complete the tasks.

This task should take approximately 42 hours of implementation to complete. you will be given approximately 21 hours of class time to collaborate and undertake the individual tasks, use all of your time wisely.

1. Improve the readability and structural design of the code by improving the function names, variables, and loops, as well as whitespace. Move functions close to related functions or blocks of code related to your organised code (software architecture).

2. Remove any runtime, sematic, and syntax errors. Make comments in the code and list the number of errors you have corrected and how you corrected each specific error.

3. Improve the game by including multiple commands that invoke the same functionality. For example the commands "LIST," "INVENTORY," "ITEMS" and "CARRYING" all list the items being carried by the player. You should be able to do this for all of the commands. However, you may limit your improvement to five of the commands. Improve the game by allowing players to enter mixed case input.

Difficulty Level: Low

1. You will add functionality to the game in the form of a Dungeon Master who will explain the task to complete the game (explain the win condition in a conversational style). You will define a win condition for the game, for example, collecting all items and returning to the entry point (location 0).

Note: The current win condition is to have a score of 17 and be in location 57. This is really obscure. It is possible with a condition like this when it is not explicit that players will never win. This is often called a dead man walking scenario.

2. You will re-factor (update) the display of available exits and other messages to be less cryptic, i.e., instead of "NE" you will display a message similar to "there are exits to the North and East."

3. You will add functionality to quit or exit the game using an appropriate command.

4. You will update the map functionality, such that only locations that have been visited will be displayed.

5. You will have functionality to "Save" the game state so that the game can be continued at a later stage. You will implement the functionality for "Loading" the saved game.

Implement separate commands to save and load the game. 

6. You will implement one of the following:

a. Improve the game by adding more features, for example you can examine more items, more props etc. You may implement this using more lists regarding items and props, remember, you should check if the object is being carried or in the location of the player.

b. Introduce random monster encounters and battles, for instance in the Haunted House you could introduce vampires, ghosts, werewolves, etc. You may have to look at role-playing combat systems that already exist, try to use existing combat systems.

c. Introduce a non-player character that uses AI to communicate with players. You may be able to find existing code on the internet for this, if you do please cite the source in the code files.


Reference no: EM13164841

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