Improve the logistics-supply chain management in company

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131048770

For your Case Assignment, please research a different organization that has also gone through a major logistics quality initiative recently and write a 5- to 6-page case paper reviewing that process.

Discuss why the company took on this initiative, what were the results, and how did this effort help improve the logistics/supply chain management in this company?

Be sure to provide the different steps in this change process and any issues or problems that occurred. Be sure to use at least three references.

The references that you find must be recent (within the past 6 years) and they must be firsthand references. You may not use references that are other students' research.

AND you CANNOT use the same organization that you are using to write your SLP papers.

Verified Expert

The work has been done on the logistic quality at the plastech company with 1500 words discussion in MS word. This has been the scenario discussing about the supply chain management.

Reference no: EM131048770

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