Improve the given paragraph

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Reference no: EM131280413

Given is the paragraph.

Improve the given paragraph.

The requirement:

Describe a place that has significance to you. Use imagery such as adjectives and adverbs to appeal to the senses and transport me to this place that is familiar to you. You can describe a school, a church, a market, a back yard--even an apartment can be an interesting topic for this assignment.

The important thing is to provide details about the sights, smells, sounds and feeling of the and this is my writing:

Iraqi people inherited sleep on the roof and the old Baghdadi house opens from the middle. And the roof was an important and essential element in the lives of the Iraqi individual. When we were children, my mother lets us go up to the roof at sunset to clean the surface and sprayed with water daily.

Also carrying mattresses and blankets for furnished to cool down until the ascent to sleep. Upon boarding to sleep we take with us to thermos water, a thermos of lemon juice. My father and mother put a piece of very light cloth to prevent mosquitoes and flies. Everyone in the family wakes up early before the flies come and go down into the house. The literature of that time is to supervise neighbor to neighbor, even if it was higher than in the construction of this abuse is unacceptable. Sometimes we escalate dinner time and we take dinner to the roof to eat and often the bread, cheese and kabab and watermelon.

We spent the best times when we are on the roof. young and eagerly compete to get into bed and jump it and play especially late at night when the air cools and the dew of dawn. we count the stars and listen to the sweetest stories from my grandmother.

Was telling each star has a story, there is two sparkly star and she said these two Qais and Leila (it is a love story about two lovers died without married), and in the day of the year is approaching these stars from each other, and at the last minute, divide them a third star. we were watching the stars every night to see this scene, but we were always sleeping. Still those beautiful days in my memory, the smell of the roof after spraying with water, and the voice of my grandmother's and her beautiful stories.

Reference no: EM131280413

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