Improve the conditions according to whs standards

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133173740

As you enter a venue, you identify the following safety hazards:-

  • Floor is wet and slippery
  • Electric cables are not secured
  • Some chairs seats are loose
  • Lighting is dim
  • Back door is locked

What actions will you take to improve the conditions according to WHS standards?

Reference no: EM133173740

Questions Cloud

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Improve the conditions according to whs standards : What actions will you take to improve the conditions according to WHS standards?
Determine the materials price and quantity variance : During September 17,500 pounds of raw materials costing $4.25 per pound were used in making 6,000 weather vanes. Determine materials price and quantity variance
Identify one barrier to evidence-based practice : Identify one barrier to evidence-based practice described in this lesson that you recognize as significant in your own clinical practice or work setting (or one
Proposition canvas for the product : Choose an item that you have, use or consume that you consider to be essential to your happiness. Be specific, so that you can describe the unique features - fo
Determine what is the most laura should pay for the asset : Determine what is the most Laura should pay for the asset if it is classified as? (1) low-risk,? (2) average-risk, and? (3) high-risk


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