Reference no: EM133767980
Question: Paper on Social Change and Homelessness in the City of San Diego. Paper will include three sections:
a. A summary of at least TWO organization's efforts to enact social change, this should also include reference to the specific strategies used according to last week's reading AND mention any concrete outcomes that resulted from their efforts (15 points, approximately 1/2-1 page, single spaced).
b. The second section is your reflection on the following: 1) your impressions of your organizations' success in achieving change, and 2) selecting at least one other strategy that your organizations did not use, reflect on how using this strategy might result in different outcomes. (15 points, approximately 1/4-1/2 page, single spaced)
--> for part B, the organization i work with goes out to the homeless population and offers packages of food, different meals like pizza, clothing, etc. The success of this achieving change has allowed meals for the homeless so that they can go some time without advanced hunger and clothing to keep them warm during cold weather or rain. You can mention a strategy that my organization did not use for example, hygeine kits. Packing hygiene kits would have been a great strategy to use to improve hygiene and sanitation and that this will be enacted going forward. This would result in different outcomes of safety and hygeine and better public health.