Improve cybersecurity policies

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133337516


You were recently hired to improve the cybersecurity policies within an organization. Within the first 2 weeks, you meet with the cybersecurity team and propose to define a framework for the information technology (IT) security policies within the organization. After you share your proposal, you notice that the team is uneasy about the idea. They wonder if it is worth their time to complete such a task. What can you say to the team to convince them that it is a good idea to define a framework for the IT security policies? Explain your rationale.

Reference no: EM133337516

Questions Cloud

Built-in interfaces are already simplified : Explain why PowerShell is being accentuated as an aid in simplifying various tasks in managing a domain if the built-in interfaces are already simplified.
Professionally involving access control : Describe a situation that you encountered either personally or professionally involving access control where the access control method
How work can get done in different methods : You have the capacity to lead someone by excellence. The second thing would always be, to keep experimenting with how work can get done in different methods
Open web application security project : The Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) has many projects related to web application security with some projects being more active than others
Improve cybersecurity policies : You were recently hired to improve the cybersecurity policies within an organization.
Define governance and determine its importance : Define governance and determine its importance.
Process of investigating email crime-email server breaches : Discuss the process of investigating email crime, email server breaches, and the specialized email forensic tools, including unmanned drones,
New technology during initial implementation : As with any new technology during its initial implementation, there are various issues experienced.
Security management consultant for organization : You are a security management consultant for an organization, and you mention to the chief information officer (CIO) at the organization


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