Important java questions

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380171

Question: Add a method addText to the Question class, and provide a different implementation of ChoiceQuestion that calls addText rather than storing an array list of selections.

Here is a sample program run:

Who was the inventor of Java?

In which country was the inventor of Java born?
1: Australia
2: Canada
3: Denmark
4: United States

Use the following class as your main class:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class QuestionDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Question[] quiz = new Question[2];

quiz[0] = new Question("Who was the inventor of Java?");
quiz[0].setAnswer("James Gosling");

ChoiceQuestion question = new ChoiceQuestion(
"In which country was the inventor of Java born?");
question.addChoice("Australia", false);
question.addChoice("Canada", true);
question.addChoice("Denmark", false);
question.addChoice("United States", false);
quiz[1] = question;

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
for (Question q : quiz)
System.out.println("Your answer: ");
String response = in.nextLine();

Complete the following classes in your solution:

A question with multiple choices.
public class ChoiceQuestion extends Question
// Add any needed instance variables, but don't store the choices
// The choices should be added to the text of the superclass

Constructs a choice question with a given text and no choices.
@param questionText the text of this question
public ChoiceQuestion(String questionText)

Adds an answer choice to this question.
@param choice the choice to add
@param correct true if this is the correct choice, false otherwise
public void addChoice(String choice, boolean correct)

A question with a text and an answer.
public class Question
private String text;
private String answer;

Constructs a question with a given text and an empty answer.
@param questionText the text of this question
public Question(String questionText)
text = questionText;
answer = "";

Sets the answer for this question.
@param correctResponse the answer
public void setAnswer(String correctResponse)
answer = correctResponse;

Checks a given response for correctness.
@param response the response to check
@return true if the response was correct, false otherwise
public boolean checkAnswer(String response)
return response.equals(answer);

Add a line of text to the question text.
public void addLine(String line)

Displays this question.
public void display()


Reference no: EM1380171

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