Important aspects of structured programming practices

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132354441


The assignment focuses on some important aspects of structured programming practices. The aim of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and ability to be proficient in the area of developing C++ application program using modular approach.

Assignment 1 and 2 are the continuous work of each other. The group must contain 4 persons (except special cases). The group members will remain the same for assignment 1 and 2.

You are free to design and develop any application program provided as below:

1. Food Delivery System (E.g. GrabFood)
2. Cyber Cafe Management System
3. House Rental Management System (E.g. ibilik, MyRent...)
4. Online Shopping System (E.g. Lazada, Shoppee...)
5. Traveling Packages System (E.g. KLOOK, Ctrip...)
6. TVBox Reservation System (E.g. Netflix, iFlix, DimSum...)
7. Online App Store (E.g. Google Play, AppStore...)

Each member must at least develop 3 modules as following:





Member 1

Add Record


Add relevant items into the record, e.g. add movies, add patients, add admin... ... etc

Update Record


Update the information of the items, e.g. update movies, update patients' records, ...

... etc

Log In


Log in to the system as different admin/user

Member 2

View Record


View the items of the records, e.g. view the records after add, update or delete

Delete Record


Delete the selected items, e.g. delete a movie, delete a patient's records, ... ... etc

Search Record


Search an item from the records, e.g. search a movie, search a patient's records, ... ... etc

Member 3

Provide Feedbacks


Members provide any kind of feedbacks, e.g. feedbacks of the system, feedbacks of the services, ... ... etc

View Feedbacks


Admin can view the feedbacks from the members



Payments using different types (cash, credit card, ... ... etc) which produce invoice and receipt. The payment needs to be kept in the record.

Member 4

Member Sign up


Add new members to the system

View Data


View any records, e.g. view the history of the payment, own profile, items added by the admin (movies lists), ... ... etc

Update Data


Update any records related to the member,

e.g. update member profile, update any bookings, ... ... etc

The program is divided into administrator and member roles; please divide the roles and tasks among the group members appropriately.

Therefore, the project will have at least 12 modules in total. Your project should use the files to store the data.

Assignment 1:
• Cover until the topic of selection (Week 1 - Week 5, introduction until iteration).
• You have to develop an overall interface of the chosen system (include a functionable menu of choices).

Assignment 2:
• Cover all the topics except Struct (Week 1 - Week 9, introduction until string). However, you are encouraged to use Struct.
• You have to complete all the modules of your chosen system.
• The details submitted in the assignment 2 are allowed to be slightly different from assignment 1.


Reference no: EM132354441

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Important aspects of structured programming practices : UCCD1004: PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES - demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and ability to be proficient in the area of developing C++
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8/8/2019 10:17:48 PM

viii Burn a CD (only applicable to assignment 2) including all of the documentations and the source codes; please attach it with the hardcopy during submission. (c) Step (a) and step (b) are applicable to both of the assignments except CD is not required in assignment 1. (d) The total number of pages for the reports (not including cover): • Assignment 1 is limited to 25 sheets (double-sided) • Assignment 2 is limited to 50 sheets (double-sided) Single line spacing is acceptable; acceptable font size must not be less than 11. Exceeding pages will not be reviewed. (e) The grading of your work will be based on the following criteria: • Correctness of the program (according to specifications) • Report structure, organization, presentation of source codes; • Documentation of codes (how easy to understand your codes); However, avoid excessive comments, such as commenting every line of your code.


8/8/2019 10:17:35 PM

(a) The assignment is due according to the due date posted on WBLE. You must do the submission through WBLE before the due date. You should create one folder according to your group number and also the chosen application program (e.g. Group 32_Food Inventory System) and then copy all your source code files (*.h, and *.cpp) and a copy of your report (see description below) into this folder. Apart from these, you should not have irrelevant source files in the folder. Compress this folder into a zip file and submit only this zip file to WBLE. (b) You need to submit a hardcopy of group report. Each group need to submit one copy of report only. Your report file should contain the following information: i Cover page: Your name, id, programme name (e.g. Bachelor of Computer Science), and group number ii Introductions and the assignment objectives iii Task divisions and descriptions according to modules and members iv Flowchart of your program v Pseudocode vi Test cases (screenshot of your program output). Please use 3 to 5 different inputs. vii Source code (as appendix)


8/8/2019 10:17:12 PM

You can reuse the code covered in the lectures or from the text book. This is a group assignment. 2. EQUIPMENT Hardware: The PCs in the lab for conducting your practical. Software: The Microsoft Visual Studio . Your programming will be tested by the markers using Visual Studio .

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