Importance of watching the operations of iran

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Reference no: EM133342303


Do you think that the administrations also take into account the events of a "rekindle" of past events. As one of our classmates noted, the Biden/Harris administration focuses primarily on the cyberspace and how to protect as well as strengthen it from attacks. How much thought goes into the past repeating itself? Do we take funding from other emergencies that are not so much seen in today's society? If so, how do we ensure that we are covering down or preparing for those issues to possibly come back and become a major issue. For example in President Trumans time the rise of Nationalism in Africa, Latin America, and the middle east had to be balanced with the "race to space" as well as managing military operations in Vietnam and Korea. Who and how do we decide which takes priority?

The defense of the nation must be weighed with the political gain of being the first to space. Just as difficult we currently must weigh the importance of watching the operations of Iran, the aggressive ambitions of Russia, the Covid 19 virus becoming relevant again, and much more. With Russia being the most recent political issue, and the financial aid in the defense of Ukraine, how do we alleviate the plaguing issue that Covid is becoming relevant again.

How do we maintain the required surveillance of Iran and ensuring they are upholding their end of the treaty? These are all factors that must be implemented in the NSS of each administration and logistically planned out step by step, agency by agency, to the lowest level.

Reference no: EM133342303

Questions Cloud

Explain an accepted procedure for legally collecting : Using a latent print as the evidence you found at a crime scene of a homicide you are investigating, in detail, explain an accepted procedure for legally collec
How does implementation of coastal surveillance technology : How does the implementation of coastal surveillance technology systems affect the security of maritime borders?
Characteristic distinguish socialist law from civil law : Provides six characteristics that distinguish Socialist Law from Civil Law. Pick two of them and provide in your own words what those differences are.
Explain how the concept of justice originated : Explain how the concept of justice originated, and discuss its themes. Which matters more, substantive or procedural justice?
Importance of watching the operations of iran : Just as difficult we currently must weigh the importance of watching the operations of Iran, the aggressive ambitions of Russia.
How is nonverbal communication used in law enforcement : How is nonverbal communication used in law enforcement? How is such nonverbal communication depicted on television programs about law enforcement?
Would you prefer being tried criminally in a civil : All non-English-speaking industrial democracies use civil law (as opposed to common law). Would you prefer being tried criminally in a civil-common law system?
Should crimes be entered into these systems : With respect to IAFIS and CODIS, should all crimes be entered into these systems? Isn't solving crimes one aspect of law enforcement? Explain.
Should a judge ban the media from the courtroom : Should a judge ban the media, for any reason, from the courtroom? Does banning the media violate the Sixth Amendment's public trial right?


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