Reference no: EM133713263
In the lesson, "The Importance of the Study of Literature to the Christian", it says, "We're are a cultural point in society now where many children are exposed via electronic media to the same life experiences as those as an adult. How does this most frequently occur? By television, we no longer have a society with children. For example some 5 and 6 year olds dress like prostitutes, language mirrors that of adults, attitudes toward the opposite sex often fail to honor." (Lesson 3, n.d., slide 6) I agree with this, today many little children know much more about adult topics than little children even 10 years ago would have.
However I disagree that it is mainly from television. Some children do get these ideas from television, but others get these ideas from other children at school. There are many different ways that children can get these ideas. These include but are not limited to, television, school, parents, siblings, video games, music, and even some books. I believe that the most common way that children get these ideas is from music. There are a lot of little children listening to music that has these ideas in it and they then have these ideas planted in their brains. Some video games give children these ideas, there are some little children playing video games such as GTA (Grand theft Auto), this specific game has a lot of violence, sexual images, and swearing. Little children do often get these ideas from video games, television, and music, reply as peer 360 words.