How the Egyptians understood the role of pharaohs

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Reference no: EM13236408

What do the pyramids, either the ones at Giza or the smaller ones scattered across Egypt, reveal about the importance of the pharaoh in Egyptian society? First explain the purpose of the pyramids, and briefly describe how they were built. What does this indicate about how the Egyptians understood the role of pharaohs? Who built the pyramids, and what does that fact reveal about the status of the pharaoh? Were the pharaohs alone in this status and the ability to inspire such massive and costly building projects? To what extent does that alter our previous considerations?What was the economic impact of India on the world during the Classical Era (Maurya and later)? You should begin your answer by describing the kinds of trade goods that came from India and to whom they were being sold. What was India's role in the Silk Road trade? How did this compare to her ability to supply good via maritime ports? What were the advantages of each? How far abroad did Indian trade operate? What kind of evidence do we have that illustrates India's economic impact?

Reference no: EM13236408

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