Importance of technological progress and human capital

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM13543854

Question: The Solow growth model adequately explains economic growth. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement using evidence to support your argument.

A theory of economic growth cannot ignore the importance of technological progress and human capital. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement using evidence to support your argument.

Reference no: EM13543854

Questions Cloud

What the most logical pattern for this variation would be : b. Explain why the fund manager might want the notional principal on this swap to vary over time and what the most logical pattern for this variation would be
Find at what angular speed does the bar-clay system rotate : On a frictionless table, a glob of clay of mass 0.42 kg strikes a bar of mass 1.98 kg perpendicularly at a point 0.39 m from the center of the bar and sticks to it. At what angular speed does the bar/clay system rotate about its center of mass afte..
Explain the compounds with the generic formulas : Consider the compounds with the generic formulas listed below and their corresponding molar solubilities in pure water.
Calculate the average interaction force on the stick : In outer space, a baseball of mass m = 0.140 kg travels at velocity vi = (2.00 m/sec, 5.00 m/sec, 0); let the z-axis be up out of the plane of paper. calculate the average interaction force on the stick
Importance of technological progress and human capital : A theory of economic growth cannot ignore the importance of technological progress and human capital. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement using evidence to support your argument.
Estimate the required radius of the centrifuge : An advertisement claims that a centrifuge takes up only 0.127 of bench space but can produce a radial acceleration of 4900 at 8160 . Calculate the required radius of the centrifuge
Find out whether or not the mixing of two solutions : Determine whether or not the mixing of each of the two solutions indicated below will result in a buffer. 1.100.0 mL of .10 M NH3; 100.0 mL of .15M NH4Cl.
Calculate the mass of saturn from this information : The planet Saturn has a satellite, Calypso, which travels in an orbit of radius 2.950×108 m with a period of 1.89 days. Calculate the mass of Saturn from this information
Explain a solution containing potassium bromide is mixed : A solution containing potassium bromide is mixed with one containing lead acetate to form a solution that is 0.013 M in KBr and 0.0035 M in Pb(C2H3O2)2. Will a precipitate form in the mixed solution


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