Importance of small business to our local-state

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133216473



The COVID19 event initiated an incredible time of confusion, economic distress, and market turmoil but also opportunity as well. Knowing the importance of small business to our local, state, and national economies you are now living the distress in a personal way. Small business has been the bedrock of economies for centuries and it will be the foundation of resetting our economies. For the final exam I want you to pick three of the following topics and write for each of your topics addressing the changes, challenges, and opportunities that you see arising from this unprecedented economic event. Your topics from which to choose are:

• Managing Human Resource (including hiring)

• Outsourcing, Global Business, & Supply Chain

• Business Planning

• Financing

• Business Location including Online

• Marketing

• Customer Relationships

• Risk Management

• New Business Opportunities You Have Seen

Reference no: EM133216473

Questions Cloud

Determining a leadership philosophy : Determining a leadership philosophy, or determining a philosophical approach to a difficult issue that creates a better industry.
What is a common failure of the define phase : What is a common failure of the Define phase? A. The problem is actually a solution B. The project is too broad and imprecise.
What is understanding of major gender based stereotypes : What is your understanding of the major gender based stereotypes that thwart the advancement of talented women i.e. place them in no-win situations.
What is the batana and target of side of disney : What is the BATANA and target of each side of Disney and Lucasfilm? Goes into detail on the correlation between their respective BATANA and target.
Importance of small business to our local-state : Knowing the importance of small business to our local, state, and national economies you are now living the distress in a personal way.
Does the acquisition of calphalon make sense : In this context, does the acquisition of Calphalon make sense? Rubbermaid? Would a different strategic vehicle had made sense in either acquisition?
Discuss about leadership using images : We will explore your ideas and assumptions about leadership using images. Your goal is to select an image that represents your ideal leader.
What did you observe because of shifting communication style : What negative effects did you observe because of our shifting communication styles? What are some possible solutions that exist to address those difficulties.
Role of government in healthcare quality : Explain with facts, principles, etc. (rather than political or personal opinions), the role of government in healthcare quality.


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