Importance of safety guidelines to prevent accidents

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133648471


There's a new piece of machinery sitting in the corner, surrounded by caution tape. As you approach Harmony she explains that the company recently invested in a state-of-the-art dance shoe press to improve production efficiency. However, the machine was delivered without proper training for the employees. As a result, no one knows how to use it safely and effectively.

Harmony informs you that this has caused some concerns among the employees. They are worried about their safety and the potential for accidents. Beatrice and Grover Funk are also worried about it and taped it off until it was resolved.

To address this issue, you recommend that The Funky Factory provide training sessions for all employees on how to safely operate the new machinery. These sessions should cover the proper use of the machine, safety protocols, and maintenance procedures.

It's important to emphasize the importance of following safety guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries.

Additionally, you suggest conducting a thorough assessment of the machine to ensure that it meets all safety standards and regulations. This will help identify any potential hazards or risks associated with the machine and allow for necessary adjustments or modifications to be made.

Prepare the training session slideshow for the proper use of Machine and safety protocols that are needed to be in mind with proper references and formats.

Reference no: EM133648471

Questions Cloud

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