Importance of professional communications and tools

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Reference no: EM131792058 , Length: word count:1500

Network Management in Organisations

Assessment - Business Communication and Research Standards

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) This assignment assesses the Unit Learning Outcome ‘b'; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them.This learning outcome involves applying appropriate business communication, research standards in writing reports and in the presentation of research.

Assignment Description

A) Write an essay on one of the following topics.

B) PowerPoint presentation based on the above essay.

Use a consistent referencing style (IEEE OR APA)

Topics: Your topic is the one listed below, based on the last digit of your student ID at MIT.


0) The importance of professional communications and tools and techniques for enhancing the same.
In this topic you need to examine what professional communication techniques and tools ICT professionals need to use to communicate well in workplace. You need to use specific examples in ICT industry in your discussion of this topic.

1) The importance of personal privacy and how to protect it in face of the emerging Networking Technologies.
Please discuss how emerging technologies such as IOT (Internet of Things) introduces privacy risks and what strategies can companies adopt to minimise these privacy risks. You can pick an industry where IOT has found significant acceptance and highlight the privacy aspects in that context.

2) Guidelines for ethical use of the computers and networks in any organisation.
Please discuss the NETIQUETTE technique and explain how it can help professionals to embrace ethical use of networks. You need to use some cases in the discussion to add value to your discussion.

3) Intellectual Property (IP) rules and processes important for conducting high-tech business.
Please discuss how IP rules and processes are important for conducting high tech business in Australia or any other country. You need to state the key definitions used in this essay (IP, High tech business) and clearly highlight their importance using examples.

4) The importance of collaboration and methods for enhancing collaboration in any organisation.
Given that ICT projects involve multi-stakeholder collaboration discuss collaboration technologies that are available for ICT professionals to collaborate on ICT projects.

Reference no: EM131792058

Questions Cloud

Distinguish among scrambled merchandising-complementary good : Distinguish among scrambled merchandising, complementary goods and services, and substitute goods and services.
Calculate the companys inventory turnover and its days sales : The following information is available for the McCartney Corporation. Calculate the company's inventory turnover and its days' sales in inventory.
Discuss your reaction or connection to the piece : Identify the reading from this week which resonated the most with you. Discuss your reaction or connection to the piece.
This industry is now receiving reduced payment : This industry is now receiving reduced payment if the entity has low quality outcome measures.
Importance of professional communications and tools : importance of professional communications and tools and techniques for enhancing the same - Guidelines for ethical use of the computers and networks
Determine pre-acquisition balance sheets of push way : On July 1, 2014, Push way Corporation issued 100,000 shares of common stock in exchange for all of Stroker Company's common stock.
Discuss trading securities are reported at fair value : Trading securities are reported at fair value, with unrealized holding gains and losses reported as part of net income
Write a response paper about the city of augustas community : The community in which I'm writing about is the city of Augusta, Georgia; more specifically the neighborhood of Harrisburg.
Prepare income statements based on absorption costing : Question - Comparison of actual-costing method. Prepare income statements based on absorption costing for each of the two years



1/2/2018 1:26:28 AM

Analyse Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed Evaluate/justification Excellent use of creditable sources. Accurate referencing. Obvious that outstanding effort made Extremely good effort Good effort made but not outstanding Made some effort. For example, Web searches only Very little attempt to reference. Lazy effort with inaccuracies Conclusion Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors


1/2/2018 1:26:21 AM

Marking Rubric Grade Mark HD 80-100% DI 70-79% CR 60-69% P 50-59% Fail <50% Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Introduction All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic. Identification Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriately Demonstrated ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately


1/2/2018 1:26:14 AM

Marking criteria: Main headings to be included in each essay, Description of the section Essay PowerPoint Content and Delivery Total Introduction Introduce the issues 2 2 4 Identification of issues Identify the most important issues 4 4 8 Analyses of issues Analyse above identified issues 5 5 10 Evaluation and justification Evaluate the issues and write justification of your evaluation 5 5 10 Conclusions Write a clear conclusion 2 2 4 References Follow APA or IEEE reference style 2 2 4 Total 20 20 40


1/2/2018 1:26:02 AM

Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date. • The assignment essay must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with specifies heading and appropriate sub-headings. • Please upload your PowerPoint slides to Moodle by the due date • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list. • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.

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