Importance of obtaining information on customer needs

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133735113


1. Describe the importance of obtaining information on customer needs, expectations, and satisfaction levels for developing quality customer service practices.

2. Explain how businesses can effectively communicate policies, procedures, and expectations to their staff members.

Reference no: EM133735113

Questions Cloud

Diversity of backgrounds and ideas within the industry : Discussion on In every industry, descriptive representation is important to helping ensure diversity of backgrounds and ideas within the industry,
How will the merger or acquisition affect your ability : How will the merger or acquisition affect your ability as a leader when you must work with a new set of employees?
About talent and succession planning : You and several of your long-time colleagues will be retiring over the next few years, and you need to start thinking about talent and succession planning.
Quality control laboratory : You are employed as a supervisor in a Quality Control laboratory. you believe that this analyst is a high performer and an efficient manager of time.
Importance of obtaining information on customer needs : Describe the importance of obtaining information on customer needs, expectations, and satisfaction levels for developing quality customer service practices.
Principles of effective governance : We went over the following four principles of effective governance: Transparency, Accountability, Fairness, and Responsibility.
Why do realtors talk about location-location and location : Why do realtors talk about location, location, location? What priority do you give to location?
Four principles of effective governance : We went over the following four principles of effective governance: Transparency, Accountability, Fairness, and Responsibility.
Customer inquiry from initial contact to resolution : Outline the steps in handling a customer inquiry from initial contact to resolution within the organizational structure provided.


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