Reference no: EM131353650
Please write a clear and constructed paper answering the following questions regarding the book, How to Win Friends & Influence People, Part Three and Four. Your paper should demonstrate you NOT only read the book, but were able to synthesize the information in an effective manner, and are able to produce a well-written analytical application paper regarding the principles and ideas discussed in theses chapters.
1) What are some common themes found in part Three chapters 1-3. Please explain why you feel these chapters are necessary, and cite a favorite example and apply its usefulness to your life right now.
2) In Part Three chapters 5-10, Carnegie lists several principles that are especially valuable in "winning people to think like you." Please choose two of these principles and write why you think they are the most important. Please cite specific examples and quotes from the chapters.
3) Part Four focuses on the importance of leadership skills. Carnegie says, "A leader's job often includes changing your people's attitudes and behavior." According to the text, what principles help a significant and successful leader accomplish this task? What skills do you think make a powerful leader? If you were a C.E.O. of a large corporation, which two of Carnegie's 9 principles would you implement into your business and why? What do you think the outcome would be? Please cite specific examples and quotes from Part Four.
4) After reading the entire book flow to Win Friends & Influence People, what concept, do you find to be of the most value? How do you think it will help you in your future with regards to a career and relationships?