Importance of helping the whole child develop

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133645493


  • You were asked to consider if one domain-physical, cognitive, or social-emotional-was more important than the others. Review your response. Have your views changed or strengthened? Explain your current thinking on the importance of helping the "whole child" develop.
  • Think about assumptions or misconceptions about children's development that you brought into the course. Summarize information you have learned that dispels those assumptions or misconceptions. Comment on effective ways to share or model what you've learned to correct those same misconceptions in others.
  • Reflect on something you learned or experienced in the course that surprised or amazed you. It may be an aspect of child development or a personal insight into your own childhood or adolescence. Describe this "ah-ha!" and why it stands out for you.
  • In this course, you have been introduced to many topics and aspects of child development. What else do you want to know about child development, generally or about a specific aspect or stage of child development? Explain your interest, how it relates to your professional goals, and at least two ways to go about gaining this knowledge.
  • Learning about child development offers a different perspective on children. Think about how you looked at children in your everyday world before this course. In what ways are you more attuned to children today?

Reference no: EM133645493

Questions Cloud

Describe construct as it relates to social cognitive theory : In the Social Cognitive Theory, the factors of reciprocal determinism have many constructs including self-efficacy, expectations, observational learning.
How did he ultimately get out of the movement : At 14, Christian Picciolini went from naïve teenager to white supremacist. How was he radicalized, and how did he ultimately get out of the movement?
Which area of child welfare interests you the most and why : For applying for a scholarship in social work for child welfare, respond to the question: Which area of child welfare interests you the most, and why?
Explain the questions related to workplace safety : Explain the questions related to workplace safety. 11.1. Explain the workplace safety requirements for working at heights in 100-150 words
Importance of helping the whole child develop : You were asked to consider if one domain-physical, cognitive, or social-emotional-was more important than the others. Review your response.
Identify several problematic statements said by each actor : What do you think about the questions he asks her? What about her response? Identify several problematic statements said by each actor.
Explain the differences between place-train approach : Explain the differences between Place-train approach vs traditional Train-place approach (day programs)
How can you rethink communication strategies to maximize : How can you rethink communication strategies to maximize opportunities for engaged participation, teamwork, and collabora­tion in organizations?
Discuss ways you acquire competence in group facilitation : Discuss some ways you might acquire competence in group facilitation if your work setting expected you to conduct groups.


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