Importance of having enough ram

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379659

Determine the importance of having enough RAM? Discuss how does it relate to how fast a computer can process data from a large database residing on ones hard drive? What is the importance of virtual memory if you don't have too much RAM & how does it relate to query speeds?

Reference no: EM1379659

Questions Cloud

Sorting the ascii words : List all the words in memory that can be considred to be decimal ASCII coded numbers. An ASCII coded word can vary from 3030h to 3939h.
Explain the sequence of events : Assume three values (x, y, and z) are stored in a equipments memory. Explain the sequence of events that lead to the computation of x+y+z.
Question about computer memory cells : Discuss how many cells can be in a computer's main memory if each cell's address can be represented by two hexadecimal digits?
Time slot interchange switch : In a time slot interchange switch, eight input lines are scanned in sequence to build up an input frame with eight slots.
Importance of having enough ram : Determine the importance of having enough RAM? Discuss how does it relate to how fast a computer can process data from a big database residing on ones hard drive?
Find total memory bytes stored in the cache : Following, a byte addressable main memory of 2^16 bytes and block size of eight bytes, using direct mapped cache consisting of thirty-two lines.
Research article analysis : Using the criteria for "Judging a Research Study" on pages 258 and 259of your textbook, evaluate at least five or more research articles.
Compute the cost of 1 mbyte of main memory : Describe the meaning of Tc, Cc, Tm and Cm and compute the cost of 1 MByte of main memory using the above parameters.
Computing the access time : Main memory uses a block transfer capability & has 1st word (four bytes) access time of fifty ns and access time for following words as 5 ns.


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