Reference no: EM132280846
Written Assignment A (800 words)
Prepare and submit a report of 800 words, summarizing the principles illustrated in the CIPD Profession Map and My CPD Map
The report should, choose ONE professional area and:
- Describe 3 activities/tasks that a Practitioner will undertake at either Band 1 or 2 in your chosen Professional Area and the skills that they will need to undertake these activities/tasks.
Give three examples of knowledge that the Practitioner will be expected to show at either Band 1 or 2 in your chosen professional Area.
Explain 3 behaviors that you would expect a practitioner to show at either Band 1 or 2 in your chosen Profession Area.
Explain why insight strategy and solutions and leading HR sit at the heart of the HR and L&D profession.
Additional Requirement
Describe the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment: what you knew about the CIPD Profession Map and the need for CPD before you attended module 2; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing the report.
You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings. Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.
Written Assignment B 600 words
Write a report that identifies and describes:
Three (3) needs of those who use a HR or L&D service within an organisation and How you would priorities these and other needs to avoid conflict and deliver a timely service.
Three (3) methods of communication to respond to your customer's needs, and for each method explain its advantages and disadvantages
How you would gather feedback and service performance data in order to provide management information on service levels and how you would use this data to continuously improve your service.
Additional Requirement
• Write a short description of the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment: what you knew about the services provided by HR and service level agreements (SLAB) before you attended module. 1; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing this assignment.
• You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings. Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.
Part C 700 words + Plan and Record
Explain the concept and importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and develop your own CPD self-assessment and plan.
Explain the concept of CPD and its importance for a HR or L&D Practitioner.
Individually undertake a self-assessment against a specification of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required of an HR or L&D practitioner. You could use the CIPD Profession Map for this, and/or another specification such as your own organisation's CPD framework.
Using the CPD Record and Man Template found on your Home page on Online Services
From the self-assessment, identify areas you would like to develop and devise your own CPD Plan. This should be future-tried.
This should include 3 CPD options to meet your identified needs explaining why you have chosen that option.
Prepare a CPD Record that includes 3-6 learning experiences that have been significant to your professional development. This should be historic.