Reference no: EM133105391
Demonstrate the ability to use one of a range of digital marketing tools effectively
Reflect on the importance and application of digital marketing tools
Prepare a integrated Marketing campaign using at least one digital marketing tools
Each student must produce a reflection on the importance and application of digital marketing tools in today's marketing climate, why they feel their campaign/tools used meet campaigning objectives and why they didn't use other tools, and how they will monitor the success of the campaign and its ROI e.g. google analytics, views, shares, likes, download of content use of coupons etc. you need to complete and submit:
1. Presentation of the use of digital marketing tools ; Power point 10min, presentations.
2. Reflection of the use of digital marketing tools.
Assignment context:
You must demonstrate the use of at least one digital tool within one of the following contexts:
- An event
- Launch of a new business
- Launch of a new product or service.