Import javaioimportjavautilscannernbspnbsp year3000

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13357154





 * Year3000 program


 * Driver program for the DateInterface and MyDate class.


 * @authorStudent Name

 * @date

 * @version 1.0


publicclass Year3000 {

       publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) throwsIOException {


logic here...




        * userMenu method


        * This method displays the user menu to the console.


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0


       publicstaticvoiduserMenu() {


logic here...




Interface for Date objects to be used by the Year3000 driver program.




/**    @return the day of the month (1-31) */


/**    @return the day of the week (0-6) */


/**    @return the month of the year (1-12) */


/**    @return the year (four digits) */


/** sets the date

       @param m the month of the year (1-12)

       @param d the day of the month (1-31)

       @param y the year (four digits)

@paramdow the day of the week (0-6) */

publicvoid set(int m, int d, int y, intdow);

/** moves the date forward by exactly one day

       @return */

publicvoid tomorrow();

/**    @return the date as a String in the format "Monday March 18, 2002" */

public String toString();

/**    Moves the date backward by exactly one day. */

publicvoid yesterday();

/** sets the date to today;

make this empty {} unless you do the extra credit. */

publicvoid today();







 * MyDate Class


 * Description here....


 * Preconditions:

 * Postconditions:


 * @authorStudent Name

 * @date

 * @version 1.0



publicclassMyDateimplementsDateInterface {


       declarations here....


       publicMyDate() {





        * MyDate d


        * Description here....


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @param d


       publicMyDate(MyDate d) {


              logic and method calls for date here...




        * set method


        * Description here...


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @paramDateInterface

        * @param #set(int, int, int, int)


       publicvoid set(int m, int d, int y, intdw) {


variable assignments here...




        * tomorrow method


        * Description here...


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @paramDateInterface

        * @returnMyDate


       publicvoid tomorrow() {


              logic here...




        * checkLeapYear method


        * Description here....


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @returnboolean


       publicbooleancheckLeapYear() {


              logic here...




        * checkDaysInMonth method


        * Description here....


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @return integer

        * @paramlpYr


       publicintcheckDaysInMonth(booleanlpYr) {


              logic here....




        * toString method


        * Description here....


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @return String

        * @param java

        * @return formatted dateString


       public String toString() {


              logic here...




        * yesterday method


        * Description here....


        * Preconditions:

        * Postconditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @return String

        * @paramDateInterface

        * @returnMyDate


       publicvoid yesterday() {


logic here....




        * today method


        * Description here....


        * Pre-conditions:

        * Post-conditions:


        * @authorStudent Name

        * @date

        * @version 1.0

        * @return void

        * @paramDateInterface

        * @return month, day, year, dow as integers


       publicvoid today() {


logic here...




Insert UML design diagrams here (use case, class, and sequence diagram).

Reference no: EM13357154

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