Implications of language barriers for healthcare

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Reference no: EM133459130


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Unfortunately, disparities in healthcare still exist across different cultures. One cause is language barriers. According to Georgetown University Health Policy Institute (2004) minorities are more likely to have literacy deficits compared to their white counterparts. This affects minorities' ability to comprehend prescriptions, health education materials, and insurance forms. They are also less likely to have primary care providers and have preventative services (Jacobs et al., 2004). This results in the utilization of other health services such as emergency department. This accounts for 32 to 58 billion additional healthcare costs.

One method to improve healthcare for minorities with language barriers is by using professional translation services. Georgetown University Health Policy Institute also reports that patients are just as satisfied with using professional translators as they are with bilingual primary care providers. However, they report less satisfaction using family members or non-professional translators. There are also concerns for HIPAA violations and errors related to incorrect translation (Al Shamsi, 2020).

An important fact noted in this week required readings, is inexpensive professional interpreter services truly are. Jacobs et al. (2004) gives an estimate of $279. While given today's inflation, I am sure the price is higher. However, considering the risks and associated costs with errors, interpreter services may be a bargain. As an administrator, cost is an important consideration due to their responsibility in managing healthcare budgets.


Al Shamsi, H., Almutairi, A. G., Al Mashrafi, S., & Al Kalbani, T. (2020). Implications of Language Barriers for Healthcare: A Systematic Review. Oman medical journal, 35(2), e122.

Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. (2004). Cultural competence in health care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions?

Jacobs, E. A., Shepard, D. S., Suaya, J. A., & Stone, E. L. (2004). Overcoming language barriers in health care: costs and benefits of interpreter services. American journal of public health, 94(5), 866-869.

Reference no: EM133459130

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