Implications of his decision on the various stakeholders

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133344760

A sales manager addresses his concerns, saying it is unethical to ask his sales team to beat last year's sales since we are facing a recession, and he provides alternatives. Can you help me understand the implications of his decision on the various stakeholders? I need to understand what are those implications like what he is basing those implications on and if they are long and short-term implications.

Reference no: EM133344760

Questions Cloud

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Describe the system lee-ids emergency room : Assume arrivals to the emergency room follow the Poisson distribution and that the service times at each of the three stages (sign-in, triage, surgery)
Implications of his decision on the various stakeholders : Can you help me understand the implications of his decision on the various stakeholders? I need to understand what are those implications like
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How would you describe your current ability : How would you describe your current ability to collaborate across cultures? What are your doing well? What are things you still may need to work on
How did the development of corn transform the americas : Who were the first Americans, and how did they live? How did the development of corn transform the Americas?


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