Implications of ethics within the context of research

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Reference no: EM132722833

Discussion Response

1 Reference: 2 Harvard reference + citation Andrew

Word count: 100 words

The case study chosen (Whitbeck, 2016) is concerned about the ethical issues that occur when one researcher suspects another of fabricating data and invalidating the conclusions of subsequently published work. The brief synopsis of the case study is that a student is trying to improve a previous researcher's algorithms (who is also the student's professor). These algorithms were used to increase performance of some attribute in disk caching and is being used in industry. The student asks the researcher for the simulation code and for advice, which the researcher could not provide. After the student rebuilt the simulation to test the previously produced algorithms it was noticed that performance results were significantly worse than those published by the researcher. The student had previously used the results in their previous work, which would cause issues for their earlier research too.
The main ethical challenge is that published work has been produced with ‘bad' data. There is also an ethical issue in that there is a suspicion that the data was falsely fabricated. Even if it is not an act of bad practice, but a real mistake there are ramifications for the original researcher (loss of reputation, maybe even leading to loss of job). There might be a temptation for the student to not confront their professor, however this would mean they would become complicit and sooner or later there is potential for a third party to realise the result data is compromised.
The case study does not provide a resolution, instead it asks the question to the reader as to what they would do. A similar real-life case study (, n.d.) proposes that the researcher should offer a clear explanation of the data's credibility. This would be the starting point for the student, asking the researcher that question. This would allow the researcher to offer a retraction for their previous work. If the student continues with their work, then they have a duty to provide the correct results.
The project I have chosen aims to automate the validity of financial controls and also producing a number of algorithms I will be using data and producing scripts that run simulations that will produce performance characteristics and testing the validity of the algorithms utilised. I would want to ensure that the results would be repeatable by anyone reading my dissertation. As such there would be a requirement to provide the simulation code and methods of acquiring the data. This would demonstrate that there would be no malicious intent on my part. There is a requirement to keep in mind the best practices of data quality (Horne, n.d.);
• Don't cherry pick data- don't choose data sets that only prove the hypothesis you are undertaking.
• Understand the margin of error - utilising a lot of data should minimise this. Empirical data should remove any anomalies.
• Consistency - the data should be cross referenceable with the same results.
• Completeness - there should be no missing values.
• Engage with your colleagues in a follow-up discussion on the implications of ethics within the context of research, suggesting ways in which risk might be minimised and offering insightful comments regarding the legal, social, ethical and professional challenges within the context of a researcher in the computing discipline Dissertation.

Discussion Response

Word count: 100 words
An ethical challenge can be depicted as an issue or circumstance that requires an individual or association to pick between choices that must be assessed as right (moral) or wrong (dishonest). There are not many components that can cause ethical issues, for example, absence of honesty, hierarchical relationship issues, irreconcilable circumstances, and misdirecting publicizing.
Subsequent to looking into not many of the ethical contextual investigations gave in the conversation questions, I picked " Sensitive data and medical confidentiality" as the contextual investigation that resembles how I imagine my exploration study.
Health information goes inside an individual's most cozy circle. Unapproved divulgence may prompt different types of separation and infringement of crucial rights. The danger of information handling for the most part doesn't rely upon the substance of the information however on the setting where they are utilized. The preparing of unique classifications of information is probably going to prompt infringement of individual rights and interests. Individual information, which are, by their inclination, especially delicate according to principal rights and opportunities, merit explicit security as the setting of their handling could make huge dangers to the essential rights and opportunities. (, no date).
The privilege to confidentiality shields people from undesirable interruptions into their own life. Security is a perplexing idea that can take on various implications in different settings. Protection keeps data about people from being dispersed in improper settings. Medical data, for example, is suitably imparted to experts for the reasons for medical care however is secured by protection in different circles of life, for example, service. Confidentiality ensures against public reconnaissance and desire, encouraging self-creation through experimentation liberated from judgment, which, thus, is the reason for basic reflection on the sorts of social orders and lives we need to lead.
The dangers and conflicts related with this task is pushing ahead with the venture that may uncover the data of workers to unapproved or malignant people by not ensuring their end gadgets with a protected informing arrangement.
Teach individuals with respect to the requirement for information security: This is the main part as indicated by me, on the grounds that the individuals mindful of results of information security penetrate are bound to be extra cautious about ensuring information, while they play out any activity.
In the wake of analyzing the contextual investigation I've acquire mindfulness about expected dangers and my ethical duty in taking care of delicate information in my undertaking. As I foresee utilizing delicate information from the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions and other enormous United Nations agencies, safely ensuring the protection and privacy of these touchy data from unapproved exposure is my moral obligation to defend the respect, rights and security of the United Nations Missions.
1. Engage with your colleagues in a follow-up discussion on the implications of ethics within the context of research, suggesting ways in which risk might be minimised and offering insightful comments regarding the legal, social, ethical and professional challenges within the context of a researcher in the computing discipline Dissertation.

Discussion Response 3 Reference: 2 Harvard reference + citation Charleroi
Word count: 100 words
A certain researcher has provided an initial disclaimer of anonymity during an interview with a school principal. However, in the research study background info provided an almost obvious clue to the school that was interviewed and thus this resulted in an easy way to infer that it was that certain school principal that was part of the supposedly anonymous interview. Another researcher was conducting survey to high school students just across the street from the school grounds with providing complete information or even asking for consent on where the survey data will be used. Instead a quick anonymity and privacy disclaimer is provided together with an incentive of a USD 30 amazon gift card. Both of these examples are categorized as part of the wider study on research misconduct (Mauch & Park, 2003). Providing a researcher knowledge on standard or accepted norms of research behavior together with establishing an ethics committee prior to go green of all research are just some ways ethics in research mitigates research misconduct (Resnik, 2011).

In my research study on success factors of telecommuting in Metro Manila, research methodology of survey and interview will be utilized for data collection. Both data collection methods have a research ethical challenge on consent. Field surveys need to be done on the streets and with little amount of delay time to the participant. Taking too much time with consent will definitely irk the participant and can cause unwillingness to participate. Interviews, on the other hand, with detailed consent could potentially lead to last minute conflict of interest with the interviewee's company policy and thus lead to cancellation of participation.
The sample study case with similar potential informed consent dilemma as my own research study is the Zigiwan's forest resources case and related issues on acquiring written signature as part of informed consent requirements (Schrag, 2016). Zigiwan had a previous history of a dictator's government persecuting dissidents during times of unstable period. There was no clear cut explanation from the case on whether this is the root cause of Zigiwan's farmers reluctance on providing written signatures. However, a plausible cause can be inferred that dissidents were found out due to signatures found in some government forms. The case story ends there. A possible solution to gathering the required informed consent from the farmers is for the researcher should go back to the institutional review board and make an exemption request to use of alternatives such as verbal consent or implied consent. Verbal consent still requires documentation via voice recording tools such as voice recorders. Implied consent has no documentation requirement but requires the researcher to provide the complete information. Implied consent also requires that the participant fully understands the information provided and will passively cooperate.

To close, there are a couple of basic building blocks making up ethics in research studies. One of the building blocks is about the participant's informed consent (McNamee, 2001). Regardless of research methodology used, a good balance of timeliness, preparation and proper communication will be useful in making sure that participants provide consent.

1. Engage with your colleagues in a follow-up discussion on the implications of ethics within the context of research, suggesting ways in which risk might be minimised and offering insightful comments regarding the legal, social, ethical and professional challenges within the context of a researcher in the computing discipline Dissertation.

Discussion Response 4 Reference: 2 Harvard reference + citation Shahid
Word count: 100 words
Complying the university's ethical standard and procedures (Laureate Education, 2019) and imposed as the regional legal requirement is essential to ensure the rights and safety of those involved during data gathering in research. The chosen case study ("A Problem with the Ethics of Non-Disclosure Agreements") highlights an ethical dilemma related to the disclosure of vital business information, which resembles trade secrets and business-critical insight (Grossenbacher, 2016).
Ethical Challenges & mitigation
The case study uncovers an employee's (Jeremy Wright) scenario where his decision to utilize the previous organization's valuable trade secrets may result in ethical and legal ramifications. Wright may share a vital piece of research results of a previous company, "Dynamic Computing", which will save money, time to market, and give a competitive edge to the new employer," Panther Systems". Thus leading him to build his reputation and prove himself to the new employer. However, there are serious ethical, professional, and legal issues in this circumstance.
In light of the legal and ethical implications, the case study explores various options for risk mitigation;
Option 1: Share the old company's research results: This will save money and time for further research but has both ethical and legal consequences.
Option 2: Wright could request another project's assignment to avoid this ethical dilemma and conflict of interest. However, he will lose the opportunity to work on a project of expertise and interest.
Option 3: Wright could continue the project without sharing previous knowledge and expertise. However, this will mitigate the ethical concerns but will require more time to complete the project.
Option 4: Wright can discuss this ethical dilemma with management and explain how he can still add value by sharing his expertise with the team to expedite the research without breaking the non-discloser agreement.
As a result of the options analysis, Wright selected option 4 to be more feasible and professional. He can still lead the team utilizing his expertise and experience to expedite the research and act based on the research findings.
Case Study vs. My research
The case study reveals important ethical and data confidentiality aspect, which applies to almost all the organizations. Researchers must understand the significance of ethics and analyze the risks in light of ethical guidelines (O'Donnell, 2017). There are various ethical aspects to be considered in my research while collecting data related to the company, information security awareness program, processes, policies, and employees' participation in evaluating the IT artefact and filling the survey. Firstly, I must adhere to requirements for privacy and confidentiality of data collected as part of my research, and the data must be confined to the research only (Laureate Education, 2018). Secondly, I should perform a risk assessment related to ethical concerns to determine and confine the information needed from participants. It is also essential to obtain necessary consents and approval and providing the right to withdraw to participants (Laureate Education, 2018).

1. Engage with your colleagues in a follow-up discussion on the implications of ethics within the context of research, suggesting ways in which risk might be minimised and offering insightful comments regarding the legal, social, ethical and professional challenges within the context of a researcher in the computing discipline Dissertation.

Discussion Response 5 Reference: 2 Harvard reference + citation Kenne
Word count: 100 words
Ethical challenges are among the main factors to consider in successfully conducting research. The study case related to the medical device built by the Corazón start-up that I examined, highlights several ethical challenges relating to the use of medical implants equipped with digital technology. The use of technological implants, in general, remains quite controversial. It is easy to accept the need for implants to treat disease and alleviate a patient's suffering. On the other hand, it is more difficult to accept that an implant endows an individual with above-average capacities, thus amplifying the inequalities with those whose capacities are below the average (Hansson, 2005). According to some cultural and religious aspect, artificial modification of the human body is as a violation which can lead to health consequences in the long term (Michael et al., 2004). Specifically, for this case study, the vulnerability of wireless communication between the implant and the mobile application presents a significant risk to the patient. Corazon's technical managers accept the risk while minimizing its impact.
Further study of the consequences of an unplanned reset should precede this decision. One could also imagine the scenario of an attack in which the implant would be repeatedly reset to the point of no longer being able to fulfil its role and leading to the death of the patient. The security of medical implanted devices is critical to good patient care (Pycroft et al., 2016). It is also questionable whether Corazón's responsible are empowered to decide on their own how to take this risk for the patients. This decision should be discussed with the patient fully aware of the consequences. It is also necessary to get informed consent of the patient (Wilkoff et al., 2008). Moreover, Corazon's decision does not necessarily ensure its verbal commitment to securing patient information.
The fact that some critical data is hard-coded and stored in an implant leads to the issue of updating, which would require surgery. Corazon has taken several precautions to resolve if not minimize the issues identified in its solution. Accessing the implant is limited to a short-range wireless connection. Communications between the application and the implant are encrypted, same for the data stored on the phone. The initiated bug bounty program encourages disclosure of vulnerabilities found. Corazon has remained open to any assessment of the security of its device.
These elements show the importance of considering the ethical aspects of any research. My research topic focused on the proposal of a new framework to improve the protection of personal data must consider all these aspects. For example, I will have to make sure that the simplification I intend to make in the DPIA process does not lead to exposure of personal data. I must be attentive to the criticisms that will be made to my proposal and make a full assessment of the ethical risks.

1. Engage with your colleagues in a follow-up discussion on the implications of ethics within the context of research, suggesting ways in which risk might be minimised and offering insightful comments regarding the legal, social, ethical and professional challenges within the context of a researcher in the computing discipline Dissertation.

Reference no: EM132722833

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