Implications for mr. howes assertion

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13710897

Mr. Howe, a Junior Partner of the CPA firm Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe (DCH), after noting that there is a proposal to limit Auditor liability is very excited and has suggested that the DCH Audit firm should take on very risky audits because there will soon be little risk of DCH going bankrupt or losing the right to audit.


Mr. Tu Dewie has asked you to review the web site and briefly discuss its content and its implications for Mr. Howe's assertion.

NB: please remember that while Mr. Dewey is the senior partner of DCH, Mr. Howe (as a junior partner) can hurt you if you are not polite and considerate.

Reference no: EM13710897

Questions Cloud

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