Implication of financial performance of commercial banks

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132318437 , Length: word count:10000

Assignment -

Prepare Dissertation on given topic.

The topic choose is about "The implication of financial performance and probability of commercial banks in UK 2011-1019. Use four UK banks to compare their probability and performances. Also discussing financial risk management for each bank. It's not necessary to do 4 banks at least do two to three. Can only use Stata.

Structure of dissertation - You are required to follow the structure below.

The suggested word lengths of each chapter are noted in the list below. Please be aware that these are guidelines and you might want to adjust them depending on your specific research area. You should discuss and agree this in advance with your dissertation supervisor.

Title page


Contents page

Dedication and acknowledgements (if required)

Introduction (250 words)

Literature Review (3000 words)

Methods / Data collection (2000 words)

Results / Analysis (4000 words)

Conclusion (750 words)



To find further information about each of these components of the dissertation see attached file.

Note - Word count: 10,000 words. Referencing Style: Harvard and quantitative like empirical study using Stata.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132318437

Questions Cloud

Presents dynamic record of growth and professional learning : PPMP20012 - Program and Portfolio Management Information Systems - CQ University - presents a dynamic record of your growth and professional learning
What is important to reporters and what is not : In this week's readings, we read a lot about what is important to reporters and what is not. We also learned about how reporters cover "viewpoints" rather than.
How you have dealt with anger in positive and negative ways : Provide some examples from your own life of how you have dealt with anger in positive and negative ways. What does it mean to treat someone as "the other".
How much from days previous or at the end of the day : Complete a 3 Day Food Diary. Choose three days, including two weekdays and one weekend day as close together as possible, and write down everything.
Implication of financial performance of commercial banks : Dissertation on given topic. The topic choose is about "The implication of financial performance and probability of commercial banks in UK 2011-1019
What perspectives did the authors present : Find at least three current articles including one article from an academic journal focused on either micro aggression, harassment or incivility.
Describe the background of the problem : Describe the background of the problem. Tell the story of the issue and why it deserves attention. Identify the stakeholders/change agents.
Prepare a responsibility report for the first quarter : UrLink Company is a newly formed company specializing in high-speed Internet service for home and business.
Propose an approach to requirements elicitation : Business Requirements Analysis Assignment - Task 1 - Propose an approach to requirements elicitation and Task 2 - Modelling Task



6/7/2019 11:48:45 PM

Subject - Research Proposal. Word count - 10,000 words and Referencing Style: Harvard. First Class: quantitative like empirical study using Stata. Note: First 2 chapters Introduction and Lit Review has to be delivered by 14th, and the remaining 3 which are (Methodology, Data analysis , and Results are due on (26th). The word length of your dissertation - The dissertation has a word limit of 10,000. You must not exceed this limit and if you do so you may incur a penalty mark. The references and appendices are not included in the word count.


6/7/2019 11:48:39 PM

The Marking Criteria - Your dissertation will be assessed against a set of marking criteria used by all the markers. These criteria are listed below for each section of the dissertation. Our suggestion is that you look at these criteria frequently throughout the whole of your research to ensure that you stay focused. Please do not leave it until you are writing up because that might be too late. Of course when you are writing up the different sections of your dissertation it is important for you to reflect on how you are presenting your work to meet these marking criteria.


6/7/2019 11:48:34 PM

Dissertation formatting rules - Paper size A4. Font and size Times New Roman 12 point. Margins 2.5cm for top, bottom, left and right margins. Spacing Double spacing (NOT 1.5 spacing). Tables can be formatted in whatever style and spacing you choose, but ensure they are clearly presented. Ensure each page is consecutively numbered at the bottom. Use the Harvard referencing system. The hard copy you submit should be spiral, comb or thermal bound with a front and back cover. A copy must be submitted via QMplus by the stated deadline.

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