Implements simulation for movie borrowing and return system

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131259741

For this assignment you need to write a console application in the Java programming language which implements a simulation for a movie borrowing and return system for the video store MovieMaster. The staff at MovieMaster will need to be able to maintain the details for rental movies that are available to hire by registered MovieMaster customers.

Rental movies may be available in bluray and/or DVD format and are also tagged as being either new release movies (which can only be borrowed for up to 2 days before needing to be returned) or weekly movies (which can be borrowed for up to 7 days before needing to be returned).

Bluray movies cost $5.00 to hire and DVD's cost $3.00 to hire. If a rental movie in either format is returned late then a late fee of 50% of the hire fee for the relevant movie type is charged for each day that has passed after the initial loan period for the movie in question.

MovieMaster staff will need to be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Displaying a summary of the details for rental movies that are currently available for hire.
  • Displaying all movies within a specified genre to allow MovieMaster staff to make recommendations to customers based on the type of rental movies they are interested in.
  • Record details for movies that have been borrowed by MovieMaster customers.
  • Record details for movies that have been returned by MovieMaster customers.
  • Displaying full details for all rental movies that are currently available for hire.

You will be addressing these requirements by implementing a RentaIM:vie class to encapsulate the details and functionality for a single RentalMovie that has been made with MovieMaster, as well as implementing a console application which creates a set of RentalMovie. objects and simulates the functionality of the service recording and management system as described above.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131259741

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10/28/2016 1:56:11 AM

Comments/Deadline : Hi there, Please see attached the task overview and supporting files. I have also attached where I have started with this. I have done about half of the assignment but am now running out of time to complete. It's just a basic console application using classes. I've commented out any code that I was practicing with so this can be deleted. Thanks, Jack.

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