Implementing the new business system

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Reference no: EM133101388

Business Case

1. Strategic Visions

2. Business Target focus

3. Economic and Business Landscape

Consider current industry trends in line with the business targets. Identify at least 2 industry trends and how the project will serve to address the trends.

Industry trends Identified

Alignment to organisational objectives.
Consider the organisations overall Strategic vision and how the projects will align to meet those objectives.

Compliance Requirements for Managing Financial Resources
For each of the listed compliance sources provide an overview of the source and identify the responsibilities and considerations when making your projections and managing financial resources.

Compliance Source
Legislative Responsibilities Corporations Act 2001
Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

Regulatory Responsibilities National Employment Standards (NES)
Accounting Codes of Practice

Organisational Responsibilities

• Compliance with legislation and regulations
• Procurement
• Data and finance management
• Recording and reporting
• Storage, security and access

4. Capacity Analysis of Existing Financial Systems
Capacity refers to the ability of financial systems to account for revenue and implement financial strategy efficiently.
Using the data provided to you, for the listed financial reports make a determination of the capacity of the current financial systems to cope with the project. In your analysis you must include reference to the following principles.
a) Balance sheet ratios
b) Incomes statement ratios
c) Cash flow statement ratios
d) Income and expenditure
In your analysis you may consider focusing on the following areas:
• Profitability
• Liquidity
• Solvency
• Efficiency

Financial report reviewed
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Cash flow statement

5. Business System Forecast
Planning Cycle
Planning cycle refers to a time period over which financial and business resources are funded, managed, and monitored. 2022-2023
Business Systems identified
As part of analysing the capacity of the organisation you must match the scope of your business systems with your proposed objectives, identify at least 3 business systems that will be required to meet the business objectives. For each of the business system document what the objective will be of the system.

6. Business System Requirements
Select one of your business systems and complete an analysis of the feasibility of implementing the new business system.

a) Identify at least 2 business system requirements
b) Identify at least 2 benefits of the business system
c) Identify the cost of the system (research)
d) Identify the potential risk of acquiring the business system
e) Determine the feasibility of implementation based on the benefit cost and risk
f) Identify and document the additional expenditure requirement

7. Recommended Budgets or Forecasts
Use the Financial Data spreadsheet to complete this section.

a) Prepare recommendations either for budgets or for modifications to existing forecasts for the identified planning cycle.
b) Insert your working file below

8. Risk Management Strategy
a) Identify and explain at least 5 potential risks that must be assessed and mitigated
b) Assess the risk impact on the project, utilise the key below to calculate the combined effect of LIKELIHOOD and SERIOUSNESS. A lower total score represents a lower risk.
c) Identify the mitigation procedures to reduce or eliminate the risk
d) Identify how monitoring will be done
e) Contingency planning
a) For all High and extreme risks identified in your risk assessment document a contingency plan to prepare for any unexpected outcomes or exceptional risks. (you will need to have at least 2 included)
Include below
Preparation - what actions will need to be taken in advance to prepare for the contingencies
Response - What actions will need to be taken during the emergency
Recovery - what actions will need to be taken to resume normal operations.

9. Budget Priorities
These are the activities that are most closely aligned to the organisation's objectives and current risk environment. You need to allocate resources to these activities first.
a) Based on your analysis and risk assessment prioritise your budget items.

10. Agreement Reached with Stakeholders on Budget Recommendations

a) When you have finalised the business case information arrange a time to meet with the senior manager (trainer) to consult, discuss and reach agreement on each of the listed items in the meeting notes agenda.
b) During the meeting you must document the agreed decision and provide an explanation of how the decision will improve the financial returns of the organisation.

11. Prepare final recommendations
Based on your detailed forecasting and the feedback and the insights that you gained during the consultation with the relevant stakeholders, you need to finalise your budget recommendations
a) Using your spreadsheet, you prepared in 7 above, make any further adjustments (these adjustments must be highlighted)
b) In the table below identify at least 3 assessment indicators for budget expenditure that will be used to monitor in line with the legislative and organisational requirements.

12. Present recommendations to stakeholders.
Prepare a presentation for the senior management team to provide them with the final recommendations. You must include a minimum of 6 slides to cover the following;

1. Introduction - project overview
2. Capacity analysis - financial
3. Business systems analysis
4. Risk management
5. Contingency planning
6. Final recommendations

Attachment:- Business Case Template.rar

Reference no: EM133101388

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