Implementing the insurance management system

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM131976

Implementing the Insurance Management System

General Information

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience indesigning and implementing an online car insurance management system usinga service-oriented architecture.

Tools and Skills: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Web Programming, WCF web services, ADO.NET database programming and C#.

Initially each group will implement a relational database according to the data view developed for assignment 1. Microsoft Access is recommended for your database implementation.

Implementation of Components as Web Services


1. Select FOUR use cases of your system.
2. Ensure that your group's database is available for all members
3. Design and implement the required web services using WCF and ADO.NET.
4. Write one or two test cases for each service operation
5. Run each service separately and test the operations

Development of the Insurance Management System


1. Develop an ASP.NET web application for the case study. Each member should implement the web interface pages for their selected use cases.
2. Integrate the services developed for Assignment 2A with the application using web references.
3. Perform integration testing and usability testing to ensure that there are no faults in the system.
4. Run the complete system and perform functional testing to ensure that your system conforms to the given user requirements.
5. Document your service-oriented architecture, design, implementation and testing using the template found on Moodle for Assignment 2B.

Reference no: EM131976

Questions Cloud

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