Implementing the anagram searching algorithm

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131104641


The goal of this project is too build a program that reads in a list of words and finds the anagrams in this list. Two words are anagrams if they use the same letters in a different order: REAR and RARE for instance.

Choose the most appropriate data structures and sorting methods in order to do the following.

For each word, build an object that contains that word, and a key which is the String that represents the sorted letters of that word (in our example, AERR for the word RARE). Build a list of these objects, and sort them by ascending key. Iterate through the sorted list: anagrams, having the same key, are in consecutive objects in the sorted list.

The deliverables are one Java file, implementing the anagram searching algorithm, with a main method reading the file to be processed as command line argument. You also want to document a stress test to analyze the performance with a large number of words (at least ten thousands).

Reference no: EM131104641

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