Implementing technological innovation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133268755


1. What is your view on how technological innovation can help a company succeed? And as an employee or business owner, how can you help to overcome the challenges when implementing technological innovation?

2. The Philippine Government is granting tax benefits to Companies that employs senior citizens. With the gap in technology knowledge, what best practice would you propose to maximize the potential of these employees with their challenge in their access in modern platforms?

3. The introduction of cashless transactions has been widely adopted by the society. This hurts the finances of small-scale business that needs to adopt these innovations with additional cost as they need to upgrade their platforms. What strategy could you suggest to the Management to address this kind of innovation?

4. If the company announced its closure and your team is required to stay until the last day of the Company so that the closure will run smoothly. What best practice could you suggest in keeping your team motivated despite of the expected end of employment?

5. Early Development of the Philosophy of Business - How does Philosophy and Business interacts in today's business setting and how does Philosophy in Business contribute to the betterment of today's business men and Society in general?

6. How can Management of Technology and Innovation benefit a business entity and what are the adverse effects to an organization of failure to effectively manage the available Technology and Innovations relevant to its business operations?

Reference no: EM133268755

Questions Cloud

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Implementing technological innovation : 1. What is your view on how technological innovation can help a company succeed? And as an employee or business owner, how can you help to overcome the challeng
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