Implementing sliding window protocols using cnet

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13732964

Question: Implementation of sliding window protocol on a 6 node network. Specifications are given in the attached file.

Modules 1: Implementing Sliding Window Protocols using CNET

In this module, you are required to implement the "Sliding Window" protocol on a 6- node network. The topology of the network is given in Figure 1.

1060_Implementing Sliding Window Protocols using CNET.png

It is assumed that the nodes will communicate directly with each other if they are directly connected, otherwise the intermediate nodes will be used to relay the communications. No dynamic routing is required.

Please study the "stopandwait" sample files provided carefully, and build your work based on it. Your implementation should provide a mechanism for the nodes to address one another, and a service for the application layer to send message to a given destination address. Feel free to set the sizes of the sliding windows in each node as you wish and it is fine if you set them all to be the same. However please note that you need to demonstrate the cases when the window is exhausted, so do not set the window size to be too big. In the display window of every node, it is required to display the source and destination of each frame (which can be either a data or acknowledgement frame), while the sequence number are required on every data/acknowledgement frames.

Please note that you are NOT required to position the 6 nodes in geographically correct positions, i.e. we are interested in topology, NOT topography.

Write a short document (no more than 5 pages single space) describing your implementation of the "Sliding Window" protocol on the 6-node network. You need to describe the organization of your source code, and your implementations on some design issues such as sending, receiving, and re-transmission.

Verified Expert

This report is discussed about the sliding window protocol and go back n ARQ protocol. The go back n protocol implemented for given network topology in cnet simulation tool. All implementation functions are included in this report and it contains 1000 words. The solution contains output screen shot of sliding window protocol implementation in CNET tool.

Reference no: EM13732964

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