Implementing erp in small and medium enterprises

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132211505




Write a report of about 3000 words on one of the following research topics. The report must include at least one case study to reflect the topic of discussion.

1. Challenges and opportunities of implementing ERP in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

2. Ascertaining the effectiveness of an ERP implementation

3. Impact of organization readiness on the outcome of ERP implementation

4. Integrating ERP systems with other information systems

5. Risk assessment for ERP implementation

6. Managing the challenges of leadership during ERP project implementation The following steps are outlined as guidelines for this assessment:

a) Each students expected to select, and summarise at least three peerreviewed articles reflecting one of the above-mentioned topics.

This should be included as an Appendix in the report.
b) All selected papers should be discussed and integrated, hence forming the report.

c) The presentation must include, first, a summary of each students selection, followed by a presentation of the integration of articles as provided in the report.

d) Each students is also expected to provide a brief review of another presentation.

You are reminded to read the "Plagiarism" section of the course description. Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words. All reports must use the APA referencing style.

Reports are to be presented in hard copy in size 12 Arial Font and double spaced. Your report should include a list of references used in the essay and a bibliography of the wider reading you have done to familiarize yourself on the topic.


Students are expected to create and present a 15 minute overview of the findings presented in the Report. The presentation must include:
• a summary of each students selected articles
• a presentation of the integration of articles as provided in the report

Verified Expert

Enterprise Resource Planning is a game plan for planning and monitoring all the resources of a business organization. It is considered an effective management system that provides excellent planning and scheduling capabilities and significantly increases productivity.This paper is about the impact of organization readiness on the outcome of ERP implementation. This paper includes the case study of ERP implementation at Tesco organization and the readiness on the outcome of ERP implementation.

Reference no: EM132211505

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1/9/2019 4:19:25 AM

Criteria Marks Introduction /0.5 Summary of each team member’s selected articles /2 Integrated Content /4 Conclusion /0.5 Presentation Style eg clarity, engagement /0.5 Review of another team’s presentation /2.5 SubTotal-2 /10


1/9/2019 4:19:17 AM

Referencing /2 marks Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Mostly correct setting out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA ) Some problems with quoted material and paraphrased material Some problems with the reference list. Not all material correctly acknowledged. Some problems with the reference list. AppendixIndividual Summary Displays deep analysis of issues. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of issues Displays some understanding and analysis of issues. Inadequate discussion of issues.


1/9/2019 4:19:11 AM

Case Study /2 marks Case study clearly reflects at least one of the points discussed and the lessons learned Case study clearly reflects the topic discussed, but lessons are not well abstracted Case study is relevant but does not clearly reflect the point of discussion Case study is irrelevant to the topic of discussion Conclusion /1 mark An interesting, well written summary of the main points. An excellent final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. A good summary of the main points. A good final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. Satisfactory summary of the main points. A final comment on the subject, but introduced new material. Poor/no summary of the main points. A poor final comment on the subject and/or new material introduced.


1/9/2019 4:19:03 AM

Discussion of topics /4marks All topics discussed in depth. Displays deep analysis of issues with no irrelevant info. Consistently detailed discussion. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of issues and no irrelevant information Most topics are adequately discussed. Displays some understanding and analysis of issues. Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of most issues and/or some irrelevant information.


1/9/2019 4:18:08 AM

Discussion of topics /4marks All topics discussed in depth. Displays deep analysis of issues with no irrelevant info. Consistently detailed discussion. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of issues and no irrelevant information Most topics are adequately discussed. Displays some understanding and analysis of issues. Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of most issues and/or some irrelevant information. Case Study /2 marks Case study clearly reflects at least one of the points discussed and the lessons learned Case study clearly reflects the topic discussed, but lessons are not well abstracted Case study is relevant but does not clearly reflect the point of discussion Case study is irrelevant to the topic of discussion


1/9/2019 4:18:02 AM

Structure /1 mark Structure guidelines enhanced Structure guidelines followed exactly Structure guidelines mostly followed. Some elements of structure omitted Introduction /1 mark Introduces the topic of the report in an extremely engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives a detailed general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report in an engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives some general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Satisfactorily introduces the topic of the report. Gives a general background. Indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report, but omits a general background of the topic and/or the overall "plan" of the paper.


1/9/2019 4:17:56 AM

Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Presentation /Layout /1 mark Information is well organized, well written, and proper grammar and punctuation are used throughout. Correct layout used. Information is organized, well written, with proper grammar and punctuation. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, proper grammar and punctuation mostly used. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, but proper grammar and punctuation not always used. Some elements of layout incorrect.


1/9/2019 4:17:50 AM

Hard-copy to tutors/lecturers assignment box in week 11. Doublesided printing for the hard-copy is encouraged in order to save paper. Declaration should be done to declare how much (percentage) each students has contributed to the report. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.

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